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What is a forward hose lay?

What is a forward hose lay?

A forward lay is a supply line laid from the fire hydrant or another source of water right to the fire. The opposite of that is the reverse lay, which is laying down the supply line from the source of the fire to the water supply.

What is a yard lay?

The “yard lay” as we call it, is 200 feet of 2½” hose connected to a three-way gated wye, and it’s typically used for handline-size fires that are farther away than our normal 200′ preconnects can reach.

What is a team of firefighters called?

Company: A group of firefighters organized as a team, led by a fire officer, and equipped to perform certain operational functions. The firefighters in a company nearly always work on the same vehicle, though on different shifts. Compare with platoon and unit.

When would you use a reverse lay?

The Reverse Lay is typically used by the second due engine to supply the first due engine with a supply line. The second due engine stops at the scene or the attack engine, drops a supply line off to make connections and then proceeds to the hydrant.

Which is an advantage of a forward lay?

Using the forward-lay method provides the engine company officer with a few seconds to size up the structure while the firefighter is wrapping the hydrant, and it also affords the officer a three-sided view of the structure when the operator pulls past the fire building.

What is fire standpipe?

Standpipe systems consist of piping and hose connections installed throughout a building to provide reliable water for the manual suppression of a fire by either the fire department or trained personnel.

How long is a Crosslay?

Crosslays are 200 feet (61 m) long, have a diameter of 1.5 inches and can gush water at 95 gallons (360 L) per minute. For smaller fires, such as small wood fires or chimney fires, the small booster line is adequate. A booster line is the smallest hose on the truck and has a diameter of about 1 inch.

What is a leader line fire fighting?

Maumelle Engines 1 & 2 and Truck 1 are all equipped with 5″ large diameter hose. Leader Line. A leader line is a line usually having a gated wye on the end. Leader lines are usually 3 or 2.5 inches in diameter and the wye usually feeds two or three 1.5 or 1.75 inch attack lines.

What do you call a female firefighter?

Definition of firewoman : a female firefighter a volunteer firewoman.

What is the 2 in 2 out rule?

This provision requires that at least two employees enter the Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health (IDLH) atmosphere and remain in visual or voice contact with each other at all times. It also requires that at least two employees be located outside the IDLH atmosphere, thus the term, “two in/two out”.

What is an advantage of the forward lay?

What are standpipe systems used for?

What is the verb for hose?

transitive verb. 1a : to spray, water, or wash with a hose —often used with down hose down a stable floor. b slang : to fire automatic weapons at —usually used with down. 2 slang : to deprive of something due or expected : trick, cheat.

What is a layline on a hose?

The layline runs the length of the hose, and contains information about the hose’s most important properties such as size, working pressure, rating, and more. Smart mechanics and maintenance managers use the information to verify that the right hose is used for their application.

What is double shut off hose lay?

A hose lay in which double shutoff wye (Y) valves are inserted in the main line at intervals and lateral lines are run from the wyes to the fire edge, thus permitting continuous application of water during extension of the lay.

What does no-Skive mean on a hose?

Sometimes you may also see No-Skive printed on some of your hoses. Skiving refers to removing (or shaving) part of the hose cover and/or inner tube prior to attaching hose ends. No-Skive means the hose and fittings are designed to work without this step.