What is a factory method in Spring?
Spring framework provides facility to inject bean using factory method. To do so, we can use two attributes of bean element. factory-method: represents the factory method that will be invoked to inject the bean. factory-bean: represents the reference of the bean by which factory method will be invoked.
How do we implement factory patterns in Spring?
Implementing Factory Pattern
- Step 1: Define a Base class. Let’s define an interface for Fruit.
- Step 2: Define concrete classes. These are the actual classes for which the Factory creates objects.
- Step 3: Define a Factory method. The factory method takes one or more parameters to decide what type of object to return.
What is bean factory method?
A FactoryBean is used as factory for other beans/objects. It cannot be used as bean itself. The factory-method can be used to define the method that should be used to create this bean (instead of calling the constructor). A bean with a factory method can be used as a bean itself.
What is the use of factory bean in Spring?
A FactoryBean is a pattern to encapsulate interesting object construction logic in a class. It might be used, for example, to encode the construction of a complex object graph in a reusable way. Often this is used to construct complex objects that have many dependencies.
What is factory method in Java?
Factory method is a creational design pattern which solves the problem of creating product objects without specifying their concrete classes. Factory Method defines a method, which should be used for creating objects instead of direct constructor call ( new operator).
What is ApplicationContext and BeanFactory?
BeanFactory will create a bean object when the getBean() method is called thus making it Lazy initialization. ApplicationContext loads all the beans and creates objects at the time of startup only thus making it Eager initialization. BeanFactory interface provides basic features only thus requires less memory.
What is the difference between ApplicationContext and BeanFactory in spring framework?
While the BeanFactory provides basic functionality for managing and manipulating beans, often in a programmatic way, the ApplicationContext provides extra functionality like MessageSource, Access to resources, Event propagation to beans, Loading of multiple (hierarchical) contexts etc.
How do you use bean factory?
- The first step is to create a factory object where we used the framework APIXmlBeanFactory() to create the factory bean andClassPathResource() API to load the bean configuration file available in CLASSPATH.
- The second step is used to get the required bean using getBean() method of the created bean factory object.
What is the use of factory method?
Factory method is a creational design pattern, i.e., related to object creation. In Factory pattern, we create objects without exposing the creation logic to the client and the client uses the same common interface to create a new type of object.
Why factory method is static?
The constructors are marked private, so they cannot be called except from inside the class, and the factory method is marked as static so that it can be called without first having an object.
Why do we use factory method?
Factory Method Pattern allows the sub-classes to choose the type of objects to create. It promotes the loose-coupling by eliminating the need to bind application-specific classes into the code.
What is factory method in Spring Boot?
Instance Factory Method A standard implementation of the factory method pattern is to create an instance method that returns the desired bean. Additionally, we can configure Spring to create our desired bean with or without arguments.
How to inject a bean using factory method in Spring Framework?
Dependency Injection with Factory Method in Spring. Spring framework provides facility to inject bean using factory method. To do so, we can use two attributes of bean element. factory-method: represents the factory method that will be invoked to inject the bean. factory-bean: represents the reference of the bean by which factory method will be…
What is the use of static factory in Spring Framework?
Static factory methods are more flexible with the return types as they can also return subtypes and primitives too. Static factory methods are used to encapsulate the object creation process. In the Spring framework if we want to create a bean using the static factory method then we could use the factory method attributes.
Is it possible to create an object manually in spring?
You are right, by creating object manually you are not letting Spring to perform autowiring. Consider managing your services by Spring as well: