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What influenced the Baroque art period?

What influenced the Baroque art period?

Strongly influenced by the views of the Jesuits (the Baroque is sometimes referred to as ‘the Jesuit Style’), architecture, painting and sculpture were to work together to create a unified effect. The initial impetus came from the arrival in Rome during the 1590s of Annibale Carracci and Carravaggio (1571-1610).

How did religious conflict impact baroque art?

The Baroque Style began in Italy around 1600 and was encouraged by the Catholic Church and Catholic nobility as an inspirational and monumental new style to promote Catholicism. Protestant iconoclasm led to both the destruction of Religious art and lessen of amount of art in Protestant areas.

What was the impact of the Thirty Years War?

The Aftermath The general results of the war may be said to have been a tremendous decrease in German population; devastation of German agriculture; ruin of German commerce and industry; the breakup of the Holy Roman Empire, which was a mere shell in the succeeding centuries; and the decline of Hapsburg greatness.

What are the most important arts during Baroque period?

Diego Velazquez is regarded as one of the most influential painters in European history and Las Meninas is considered his supreme achievement. It is one of the most analyzed paintings in Western art history and definitely the most famous painting of the Baroque Period.

What did Baroque art focus on?

The Baroque artists were particularly focused on natural forms, spaces, colors, lights, and the relationship between the observer and the literary or portrait subject in order to produce a strong, if muted, emotional experience.

What characteristics best describe art of the Baroque era?

Some of the qualities most frequently associated with the Baroque are grandeur, sensuous richness, drama, dynamism, movement, tension, emotional exuberance, and a tendency to blur distinctions between the various arts.

Why did the Catholic Church encourage Baroque art?

The style was known to be extremely spiritual, more realistic, and emotional. Catholics encouraged this art style because of their fight against the Protestant reformation hoping they it would return art to its traditional religious roots.

What is the link between Catholic Church and Baroque art?

Baroque Rome was the headquarters of the Roman Catholic church. Like princes, the popes used their patronage to wield power. They spent vast sums on building projects, art commissions and establishing collections. Some popes set artistic trends by favouring particular artists, art media and subjects.

What were the causes and effects of the Thirty Years War?

The war was sparked by a revolt by Protestant nobles against the Catholic Hapsburg king, Ferdinand. The following war caused the destruction of entire villages as well as the spread of famine and disease, this all resulting in a severe loss of life and the division of German lands into 360 separate states.

How did the Thirty Years War caused the Enlightenment?

The war impacted society in profound ways. It weakened the concept of the divine right of kings, which was the belief that all monarchs had been put into power by the will of God and were not subject to Earthly power. The Thirty Years’ War created conditions under which the Enlightenment blossomed.

How did the Thirty Years’War affect the Baroque period?

The Thirty Years War turned into a power conflict between Empires when France entered it on the Protestant side. The solidifying of Protestant and Catholic areas created a divide in Artistic Styles. Later in the Baroque era the Style turned into a secular style for Civic Buildings and was much reviled in the later periods.

How did the Thirty Years’ War affect the Arts in Europe?

For large parts of Central Europe, the Thirty Years’ War was a catastrophe which also brought about a decline in the arts. Nonetheless, it was a time which saw an unprecedented flowering of German literature.

Who influenced the Baroque period in art?

During the last decades of thecentury, the full Baroque style took on a new lease on life, and the decorative paintings of Charles de La Fosse and Antoine Coypel clearly reveal the influence of Rubens.

What are the characteristics of Baroque sculpture?

Baroque sculpture is characterized by dynamic movement. It often features multiple figures that spiral around each other and are designed to be viewed from multiple angles. Sculptures might be created as stand-alone pieces or as a structural or non-structural component of architecture.