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What happens when you purge in SketchUp?

What happens when you purge in SketchUp?

Periodically, you need to purge unused components from your file. Doing so will reduce your file size and stop some of those SketchUp bug splats. To purge unused, go to the Window Tab > Model Info > Statistics > Purge Unused. While you’re there, you might as well click the Fix Problems button for good measure.

How do you use the purge tool in SketchUp?

Head to the Window option and click Model. Go to Info and click on Statistics. You should see the Purge Unused option here. Click it to tell SketchUp to get rid of any files you don’t use.

How do I remove unused textures in SketchUp?

In that case, you could simply right-click on the material in the materials tray and select ‘Delete’. That would remove the material, and the component in question will revert to the default brush again.

How do I clean up a component in SketchUp?

Use “Selection Toys” and “Select All Instances” to delete unwanted components and geometery. Run another clean up.

How do I reduce the size of a SketchUp file?

Delete Components to Reduce Sketchup File Size

  1. Default Tray > Components. If you go to the default tray on the righthand side of your screen, you will notice a “components” tab.
  2. SAVE A COPY AS! Before continuing, make sure you save a copy of your original Sketchup file!
  3. Window > Model Info > Statistics.
  4. Purge Unused.

Why is it the purge?

In response to rising crime rates, unemployment and social unrest, the New Founding Fathers created an annual holiday called The Purge. For one night every year, American citizens are given 12 hours of complete freedom to commit whatever crimes they please.

How do you purge in SketchUp for free?

Go to View/Model info/Statistics and click the button that says Purge Unused, this will delete all unused things from the model.

How do I clean up my SketchUp model?

Ensure all Layers are ON in the Layers-Browser. Delete anything you don’t want in the Model – unlocking them as required… In the Components-Browser use the pop-out menu to Purge Unused. In the Materials-Browser use the pop-out menu to Purge Unused.

Is SketchUp CPU or GPU intensive?

SketchUp is a CPU-biased application that benefits from having some decent hardware, but it doesn’t need anything niche or overly expensive.

How do you delete all scenes in SketchUp?

Select the scene in the Scenes dialog and click the Remove Scene icon ( ) in the upper left. Select the scene in the Scenes dialog, click the Details arrow ( ), and select Delete Scene from the menu that appears. Context-click the scene tab and select Delete from the menu that appears.

What is the purge unused tool in SketchUp?

The Purge Unused tool is used to delete unused objects that are preloaded into the sketchup file. The way sketchup works will usually preload, or center, the object in the file, even if the object has been deleted. This tool is completely safe to use without losing any data of the sketchup file.

How to delete a layer in SketchUp?

So, if your SketchUp layer is listed above your Dimensions layer, the SketchUp models are drawn on top of (and obscure) the dimension endpoints. If you ever need to delete a layer, select the layer in the Layers panel and click the Delete Selected Layer icon (the minus sign). Adding or moving content to a layer

What is a regular layer in SketchUp?

In Layout, regular layers (also called nonshared layers) enable you to control the visibility of document content. For example, if you want to separate text from SketchUp model entities, you can place each type of entity on its own layer.

What happens when you move a SketchUp layer up or down?

Moving a layer up or down in the list controls the draw order of entities. So, if your SketchUp layer is listed above your Dimensions layer, the SketchUp models are drawn on top of (and obscure) the dimension endpoints.