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What happens when a Redis key expires?

What happens when a Redis key expires?

After the timeout has expired, the key will automatically be deleted. A key with an associated timeout is often said to be volatile in Redis terminology. The timeout will only be cleared by commands that delete or overwrite the contents of the key, including DEL , SET , GETSET and all the *STORE commands.

How do I know when my Redis key expires?

Redis TTL command is used to get the remaining time of the key expiry in seconds.

  1. Return Value. Integer value TTL in milliseconds, or a negative value. TTL in milliseconds.
  2. Syntax. Following is the basic syntax of Redis TTL command.
  3. Example. First, create a key in Redis and set some value in it.

How do I set Redis to expire?

Redis – Keys Expire Command

  1. Return Value. Integer value 1 or 0. 1, if timeout is set for the key.
  2. Syntax. Following is the basic syntax of Redis Expire command. redis> Expire KEY_NAME TIME_IN_SECONDS.
  3. Example. First, create a key in Redis and set some value in it.

What is Max TTL in Redis?

The max is 9223372036854775807 not 2147483647 for expire , try it.

Is Redis persistent?

Redis Persistence No persistence: Redis can be entirely ephemeral with no persistence at all. Our data is only available while the server is running, and if for some reason the server was terminated or rebooted our data is lost.

Does Redis have TTL?

Redis TTL command is used to get the remaining time of key expiry in seconds. Returns the remaining time to live of a key that has a timeout. This introspection capability allows a Redis client to check how many seconds a given key will continue to be part of the dataset.

What does TTL mean in Redis?

the remaining time to live
Redis TTL command is used to get the remaining time of key expiry in seconds. Returns the remaining time to live of a key that has a timeout. This introspection capability allows a Redis client to check how many seconds a given key will continue to be part of the dataset. Syntax: TTL KEY_NAME.

Does Redis set overwrite?

Description. Redis SET command is used to set some string value in redis key. If the key already holds a value, it is overwritten, regardless of its type. Any previous time to live associated with the key is discarded on a successful SET operation.

How long is data stored in Redis?

Redis is a key-value storage, that keeps data in RAM, but it can also write it to hard drive. So it is not problem to keep data for 8 days in redis. Even if you will restart it.

Is Redis nonvolatile?

When deciding whether to use Redis or Memcached a major difference between these two is data persistence. While Redis is an in-memory (mostly) data store and it is not volatile, Memcached is an in-memory cache and it is volatile.

What is the default TTL for Redis?

There is no default TTL. By default, keys are set to live forever.

Does Redis overwrite data?

Can I use Predis in a production environment?

Do not use it in production environments or use it at your own risk! Predis does not require any additional C extension by default, but it can be optionally paired with phpiredis to lower the overhead of the serialization and parsing of the Redis RESP Protocol. More details about this project can be found on the frequently asked questions.

Where can I find the history of my Predis build?

Predis uses GitHub Actions for continuous integration and the history for past and current builds can be found on its actions page. The code for Predis is distributed under the terms of the MIT license (see LICENSE ).

Can Predis use Lua scripts in Redis?

While it is possible to leverage Lua scripting on Redis 2.6+ using directly EVAL and EVALSHA , Predis offers script commands as an higher level abstraction built upon them to make things simple.

What is the default timeout for connect () in Predis?

When creating a client instance without passing any connection parameter, Predis assumes and 6379 as default host and port. The default timeout for the connect () operation is 5 seconds: Connection parameters can be supplied either in the form of URI strings or named arrays.