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What happens to Indian passport after Australian citizenship?

What happens to Indian passport after Australian citizenship?

Indian passport holders who have acquired foreign citizenship are required to surrender their Indian passports to the nearest India Passport & Visa Services centre immediately after acquisition of foreign citizenship.

Can I still hold my Indian passport after acquiring foreign citizenship?

As per the Passports Act 1967, it is mandatory for all Indian passport holders to surrender their passports to the nearest Indian Mission/Post immediately after acquisition of foreign nationality. Misuse of Indian passports constitutes an offence under Section 12(1A) of the Passports Act 1967. 2.

Can I travel to India with naturalization certificate?

All travelers must have a passport book for international air travel. Please note that hospital-issued birth certificates, voter registration cards, and affidavits cannot be used. If you were not born in the United States, you can use your original Naturalization Certificate or Certificate of Citizenship.

Can I hold Indian and Australian citizenship?

The Constitution of India does not allow holding Indian citizenship and citizenship of a foreign country simultaneously.

What happens if I don’t surrender my Indian passport?

Those who fail to surrender their Indian passport after acquiring foreign citizenship may face the following penalties. $250 penalty if passport expired after January 1, 2005 and 3 or more years have passed between naturalization date and present date.

Can I get Indian visa without surrendering Indian passport?

While applying for consular services Visa or OCI, it is mandatory to provide proof of your cancelled Indian passport. If such evidence cannot be provided, applicants will be required to obtain a renunciation certificate.

How do I surrender my Indian passport in Australia?

Renounciation/Surrender of passport

  1. For Victoria and Tasmania the applications can be submitted as follows:
  2. In Person : Level 12, Suite 4, 55 Swanston St Melbourne Vic-3000.
  3. By Post : PO Box 23057 DOCKLANDS VIC 3008.
  4. Working Hours : 8.30 AM to 3.00 PM (Mon to Fri)
  5. Phone no : 03 8593 9124.

Do they keep your citizenship certificate when applying for a passport?

While your passport application is being processed, you will not have access to your naturalization certificate, and therefore will have no proof of citizenship during that time. To protect yourself, it is imperative that before you submit the original document, you make and keep a copy of it.

Can I use 2 different passports for entering and leaving a country?

Dual nationals may also be required by the foreign country to use its passport to enter and leave that country. Use of the foreign passport to travel to or from a country other than the United States is not inconsistent with U.S. law.

Can I have two passports?

Yes. U.S. citizens are allowed to have more than one valid U.S. passport at the same time, according to the National Passport Information Center, which is a division of the U.S. State Department. But in most cases, you are only allowed to have two valid passports at a time, according to the NPIC.

Can I get Indian Visa without surrendering Indian passport?

Can I travel to Australia with an Indian passport?

Print or Fill Out Now! Under law, it is illegal because only an Indian citizen has a right to travel on an Indian passport. Your Indian citizenship was terminated when you became an Australian citizen. This process is automatic and you do not have to renounce your Indian citizenship.

Can I renounce my Indian citizenship and become an Australian citizen?

Your Indian citizenship was terminated when you became an Australian citizen. This process is automatic and you do not have to renounce your Indian citizenship. However, you must surrender your Indian passport so that it can be cancelled.

How do I declare my Indian address on my Australian passport?

If you are providing Australian address to be printed on the passport, your other address will be indian address. It is mandatory that you provide at least one Indian address. 2.just Google self declaration. It should basically say that I’m married to this person from this date, and have been living together, the above thing is true etc…

What is the equivalent of a citizenship certificate in Australia?

Certificate of Naturalisation. For the purpose of a passport application, the following documents are acceptable as equivalents of a citizenship certificate: Australian citizenship certificate of an Adoption in accordance with the Hague Convention on Intercountry Adoption or bilateral arrangement