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What happens if you give Merrill the Arulin Holm?

What happens if you give Merrill the Arulin Holm?

Note: Aside from friendship and rivalry changes, this choice has no effect on the plot. In particular, denying Merrill the Arulin’Holm will not prevent her from continuing work on the mirror, nor will it avoid the disastrous events of A New Path.

Where is gascard DuPuis in all that remains?

If Gascard DuPuis is alive, you can find him in the southern end of Darktown. He states that the killer took Alessa not long after you confronted him at the estate, but he can perform a ritual using blood magic to track her right to the killer’s lair.

Is gascard DuPuis the killer?

Gascard DuPuis is dead As he couldn’t have been responsible for the shade attack on Emeric, the conclusion is that he was not the killer; the only storyline impact is the restriction imposed in the later quest, All That Remains.

What is the Eluvian?

An Eluvian (Elvish for “seeing glass”) is a magical mirror.

Why does Fenris leave Hawke?

Break Up to Make Up — Fenris breaks up with Hawke following their night together, realizing he needs to work on himself before he should be in a relationship. Three years later they can get back together should Hawke have not moved on with another companion.

Does Anders appear in Inquisition?

Dragon Age: Inquisition. Anders is mentioned several times, mostly by Varric. When completing the quest A Glowing Key in the Storm Coast, Anders’ manifesto can be found in Codex entry: Notes Found in a Mage’s Hut, which is picked up from a table inside the cabin.

Is Keran possessed?

If you have examined Keran with the help of a mage companion, you can also assure Cullen that tests have been conducted on Keran and that he is not possessed.

Is DuPuis the killer?

Did gascard DuPuis do?

Is Emeric the killer?

As he couldn’t have been responsible for the shade attack on Emeric, the conclusion is that he was not the killer; the only storyline impact is the restriction imposed in the later quest, All That Remains.