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What happened to Nethergarde Keep?

What happened to Nethergarde Keep?

Nethergarde Keep was destroyed when the Iron Horde invasion force, the Ironmarch, aided by the area’s Dreadmaul ogres, invaded through the Dark Portal. It was their first target and the Alliance was not prepared for their advanced weapons.

Where is Bernie in Nethergarde Keep?

Bernie Heisten is a human food and drink vendor located in Nethergarde Keep in the Blasted Lands….

Bernie Heisten
Location Nethergarde Keep, Blasted Lands[59.4, 14.9]
Status Unknown

Where is Nethergarde?

the Blasted Lands
Nethergarde Keep is a heavily defended Alliance town located in the Blasted Lands. The stronghold is home to about 300 members of the Alliance. Although technically it is a castle like Northwatch Hold in the Barrens, none of the guards are PvP-enabled except the Flight Master and a few questgivers.

Is there an inn in Nethergarde Keep classic?

Mama Morton is a human innkeeper and vendor located in Nethergarde Keep in the Blasted Lands.

How do you get to Nethergarde?

It’s impossible to find Nethergarde Bitter in Outland, so you’ll need to head back through the Dark Portal to complete the quest. It’s highly recommended to purchase a Nethergarde Bitter from an NPC called Bernie Heisten in Nethergarde Keep.

How do you get to Nethergarde Keep from Stormwind?

If you are playing Burning Crusade Classic, you can get to the Dark Portal by taking the flight path from Stormwind to Nethergarde Keep. From there, it is a short run south to the Dark Portal. If you don’t have the flight path, you have to go through the Swamp of Sorrows and into the Blasted Lands.

Where can I buy Nethergarde bitter?

Nethergarde Keep
Nethergarde Bitter is sold by Bernie Heisten at Nethergarde Keep in The Blasted Lands. He is located inside the keep.

Is there a stable master in Blasted Lands?

Gina Gellar is a human stable master found in Nethergarde Keep in the Blasted Lands….

Gina Gellar
Affiliation(s) Stormwind
Location Nethergarde Keep, Blasted Lands[60.3, 15.9]
Status Unknown

Is there a stable master in Nethergarde Keep classic?

Gina Gellar is a human stable master found in Nethergarde Keep in the Blasted Lands.

How do you get to Outland from Stormwind 2021?

You can get to Outland by using the Shattrath portal in Stormwind’s mage tower or Orgrimmar portal room in retail. You can also talk to the mage near the portal [H] or at the tower entrance [A] to get to Hellfire Peninsula. In Classic, you need to use the Dark Portal in the Blasted Lands instead.

What level can you go through the Dark Portal?

level 58
The approximate coordinates for the Dark Portal (on the Azeroth side) are (58,58). Appropriately enough, you’ll need to be at least level 58 to cross through the portal and enter Outland.

Is there a stable master in grom gol?

) at their locations….Horde stable masters.

Location Stable Master
Grom’gol Base Camp, Stranglethorn Vale Durik
Stonard, Swamp of Sorrows Hekkru
Kargath, Badlands Greth

Where is Khadgar in Stormwind?

Khadgar is immortalized in a massive stone statue in the Valley of Heroes in Stormwind, alongside the other leaders of the Alliance Expedition. This section concerns content related to The Burning Crusade. In World of Warcraft, Khadgar is present in the Terrace of Light of Shattrath City.

Who is Khadgar?

^ a b Dave Kosak on Twitter (2014-07-23). Retrieved on 2015-08-02.​ “Khadgar is an Alliance character willing to give quests to individual Horde heroes he trusts.”

Does Khadgar look younger in Warlords of Draenor?

In Warlords of Draenor and Chronicle Volume 2 however, Khadgar looks significantly younger than his World of Warcraft appearance, and looks closer to his Warcraft II self. Dave Kosak stated that Khadgar had not de-aged, he was just freshly shaven.

Why does Khadgar use the Last Guardian spell?

In The Last Guardian, Khadgar was described as quite the daring student while he was a younger Dalaran pupil, often infiltrating libraries to learn about arcane knowledge. During the World of Warcraft beta mages were able to use the spell in honor of this detail of the archmage’s background.