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What happened to Comet in The Santa Clause 2?

What happened to Comet in The Santa Clause 2?

Later on, as Scott is trying to return to the North Pole because of the Toy Santa taking over the workshop, he goes out to the backyard to retrieve Comet. He has eaten too many sweets and become too fat to move.

Who is Comet the reindeer?

Comet. Comet is the strongest of all the reindeer and is known for being a stubborn but loyal member of the team. He was named after an enormous comet which flew through the skies at the same moment he was born, which would foretell Comet’s future as a famous flying reindeer.

Why was Donder changed to Donner?

The change of “Dunder” to “Donder” was likely an error that Moore failed to notice when he reprinted the poem (since he didn’t speak Dutch). Eventually, “Donder” became “Donner,” which is the German word for thunder.

What is the name of the 12 reindeers in order?

Their names are Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen and, of course, Rudolph. Donner’s name has variously appeared as Donder and Dunder, while Blitzen is sometimes Blixem. Their names come from the Dutch words for thunder and lightning respectively.

Why is Bernard not in The Santa Clause 3?

David Krumholtz Didn’t Appear in ‘Santa Clause 3’ Because His Character Was “Devalued a Little Bit” in the Script. The actor, who played fan-favorite head elf Bernard, clarifies that it wasn’t scheduling that kept him from appearing in the third installment of the Tim Allen-led Christmas franchise.

Why is Bernard the elf so tall?

While most of the elves were played by children, Bernard’s actor, David Krumholtz, was 16 years old during filming, making him noticeably taller and older. In addition, Bernard is not as cheerful as the other elves, instead acting gruff and strict toward Scott as he explains the “Santa Clause” to him.

How does Donner hide Rudolph red nose?

5) How does Donner hide Rudolph’s red nose? When Santa warns Donner that Rudolph won’t make the sleigh team because of his nose, Donner decides to hide the deformity by covering it with mud.

Is Donner the reindeer a girl?

Surprise! Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen, and yes, even Rudolph, are ladies.

Was it a Dunder reindeer?

In the original printing, the final two reindeers’ names are Dunder and Blixem, which are Dutch for “thunder and lightning.” In an 1844 printing by Clement Clarke Moore, who is credited as being the author, these names are changed to Donder and Blitzen.>

What is the name of Santa’s only female reindeer?

Vixen –
Vixen – The Pioneer Before science revealed that all of Santa’s reindeer had to be female, Vixen was thought to be the only female reindeer among the team.

What is Mrs Claus first name?

Claus’ first name is Margaret and is the wife of Malcolm (the current Santa) and mother of both the title character Arthur and his older brother Steve. She is depicted as much more efficient than her husband. She is voiced by Imelda Staunton. Mrs.