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What episode does Homer have 24 hours to live?

What episode does Homer have 24 hours to live?

It originally aired on the Fox network in the United States on January 24, 1991. In the episode, Homer consumes a poisonous fugu fish at a sushi restaurant and is told he has less than 24 hours to live….One Fish, Two Fish, Blowfish, Blue Fish.

“One Fish, Two Fish, Blowfish, Blue Fish”
Original air date January 24, 1991
Guest appearances

How did Homer survive fugu?

But the reality of fugu is encapsulated by that same episode’s surprise ending. Homer survives: he hasn’t eaten the poisonous part of the fish after all. Very few people, as it turns out, get sick after eating blowfish in Japan, and fewer still die.

What was the name of the restaurant where Homer was poisoned in season 2?

Lisa convinces the family to try a new sushi restaurant, The Happy Sumo. An error by an apprentice chef leads to Homer eating a poisonous blowfish.

What episode does Homer go to heaven?

My Way or the Highway to Heaven

“My Way or the Highway to Heaven”
The Simpsons episode
Episode no. Season 30 Episode 3
Directed by Rob Oliver
Written by Deb Lacusta Dan Castellaneta Vince Waldron

What episode does Flanders shoots Homer?

“Treehouse of Horror XV” is the first episode of the sixteenth season of the American animated television series The Simpsons.

Can you survive eating fugu?

How Lethal Is the Poison in Fugu? Very high! More than 60% of all fugu poisonings will end in death. After the toxin has been consumed, you have less than sixty minutes to get respiratory treatment which is your only hope in surviving the effects of this powerful poison.

Is fugu poisoning curable?

There is no known antidote, and treatment consists of emptying the stomach, administering activated charcoal to bind the toxin, and putting the person on life support until the poison has worn off.

How did Marge and Homer meet?

In the episode “The Way We Was”, Homer and Marge met in high school in 1974 when Marge was sent to detention after attending a feminist rally, and Homer and Barney were there for smoking in the boy’s restroom.

Did The Simpsons say the F word?

“F-“, with the remainder of Homer’s sentence cut off by a loud burst of organ music. The word is implied to have been a doozy, as frightened birds flew out of trees, passersby stared in shock at the Simpson home, and Ned Flanders exclaimed, “Dear Lord! That’s the loudest profanity I’ve ever heard!”

What is the scariest Simpsons episode?

While at Duff and Donuts we love the Treehouse of Horror episodes, we thought that we would look at Simpsons episodes that are just as scary.

  1. Some Enchanted Evening (Season 1, Episode 13)
  2. Bart of Darkness (Season 6, Episode 1)
  3. The Springfield Files (Season 8, Episode 10)
  4. Halloween of Horror Season 27, Episode 4)

What day did The Simpsons predict the end of the world?

“Thank God, It’s Doomsday” is the nineteenth episode of the sixteenth season of the American animated television series The Simpsons. It first aired on the Fox network in the United States on May 8, 2005….Thank God, It’s Doomsday.

“Thank God, It’s Doomsday”
Couch gag Everyone in the family looks like Moe Szyslak–including the female members.