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What episode do Trina and Beck kiss?

What episode do Trina and Beck kiss?

Car, Rain, & Fire
Car, Rain, & Fire: Beck pretends to like Trina, and they kiss twice in this episode.

What episode does Beck kiss?

“Victorious” Opposite Date (TV Episode 2012) – IMDb.

Do Tori and Beck ever kiss on Victorious?

Beck and Tori kiss at the end of the episode.

What episode does Beck cheat on Jade?

Jade Dumps Beck is the 5th episode of Season 1 of Victorious….She-Hulk Trailer Dropped – The Loop.

Jade Dumps Beck
Season 1, Episode 5
First Aired May 2nd 2010
Production Code 106
Writer(s) Matt Fleckenstein

Who does Trina date in Victorious?

Trina is only one year older than Tori, and is in the senior class at Hollywood Arts. She acts like she is the most talented person at Hollywood Arts, making her friends (and her sister) annoyed….She-Hulk Trailer Dropped – The Loop.

Trina Vega
Relationships: Kevin Richards (one blind date) Lendle (one date)

Are Andre and Tori dating?

Tandré is the pairing of Tori and André, (Tori and André). The relationship is sometimes referred to as Anori (André and Tori)….She-Hulk Trailer Dropped – The Loop.

Shipped Characters Tori Vega and André Harris
Length of Relationship 2010-present
Status Best Friends

Who does Beck end up with?

Beck and Jade, as of Jade Dumps Beck, have been dating for a year and eleven months, but after getting back together, they were a couple for almost three years until The Worst Couple. They are back together for a third time in Tori Fixes Beck and Jade.

Does Tori ever kiss Andre?

André glares enviously at Rex when Tori kisses him. André and Tori perform a scene together in Sikowitz’s class.

Did Tori and Beck ever date?

Tori and Beck are very close friends, and it was revealed in Tori Goes Platinum that Beck seemed to harbour romantic feelings for her (though for how long and how intensely is ambiguous). Tori respected Beck and Jade’s relationship when they were a couple despite kissing him in Pilot.

Are Jade and Beck dating in Season 3?

It is revealed that Jade and Beck are dating.

Is Trina older than Tori?

Trina Vega (portrayed by Daniella Monet) is Tori’s older sister, who also attends Hollywood Arts.

Who is Tori’s boyfriend in Victorious?

She-Hulk Trailer Dropped – The Loop

Tori Vega
Friends: André Harris (best friend) Cat Valentine (best friend) Beck Oliver Robbie Shapiro Sinjin Van Cleef Jade West Erwin Sikowitz
Relationships: Daniel (ex-boyfriend) Ryder Daniels (ex-boyfriend) Steven Carson (ex-boyfriend)
Pet(s): None