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What does it mean when you have the last word?

What does it mean when you have the last word?

Definition of the last/final word 1 : the final thing said in an argument or a discussion Your mother’s decision is the final word on the matter. Why do you always have to have the last word? 2 : the power to make a final decision The judge will have the last word on the divorce agreement.

What is want to have the last word?

To express the final point or opinion in an argument or discussion, especially in a way that decisively or conclusively ends it. Everyone started shouting, trying to have the last word, and the whole meeting just descended into chaos. David is so smug, making a point to have the last word in every debate. 2.

Why do I always want to have the last word?

They could have self-esteem issues. “A pattern of needing to get in the last word can be driven by the need to feel better about yourself by being ‘right,’” Smith said. “It can also be a characteristic of narcissism, although this attribute alone doesn’t make someone a narcissist.”

What do you call a person that always has to have the last word?

Perhaps, if this person always needed to get the last-word in under their breath, we could call them an ultimumbler, a combination of the Latin word ultimum and the English word mumble.

Is it best to have the last word in an argument?

Getting the last word means that you win the debate. It also shows your moral superiority. This should convince your opponent that you are correct, and will certainly impress your fellow Wikipedians. It is particularly important to get the last word where you are in some doubts as to the merits of your case.

Is it important to have the last word?

What is it called when a person has to have the last word?

Is it better to have the last word?

Is it best to have the last word?

What’s a word for someone who always thinks they are right?

Self-righteous is a word for someone who thinks they are always right.

Why does my wife always have to have the last word?

This is a female-specific trait, according to Dr Braconnier, psychiatrist and psychoanalyst: “Women have an innate sense of reality. They are more attentive, more observant and they listen more. All these qualities enable them to reach their goal.