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What does it mean to be HUBZone certified?

What does it mean to be HUBZone certified?

HUBZone is a company level diversity certification referring to the Historically Underutilized Business Zone program that helps small businesses located in distressed areas gain preferential access to federal procurement opportunities.

What is a HUBZone contractor?

The Historically Underutilized Business Zones (HUBZone) program helps small businesses in urban and rural communities gain preferential access to federal procurement opportunities. The federal government has a goal of awarding at least 3% of all dollars for federal prime contracts to HUBZone certified companies.

How do I get HUBZone contract?

To qualify for the HUBZone program, your business must:

  1. Be a small business according to SBA size standards.
  2. Be at least 51% owned and controlled by U.S. citizens, a Community Development Corporation, an agricultural cooperative, an Alaska Native corporation, a Native Hawaiian organization, or an Indian tribe.

How long does it take to get HUBZone certified?

HUBZone Certifications Averaging 116 Days–And Other Tidbits From The SBA OIG HUBZone Report. HUBZone certifications are averaging 116 days from the date of application to the date of certification, according to a fascinating SBA Office of Inspector General Report on the HUBZone certification process.

What is a HUBZone small business?

The Historically Underutilized Business Zones (HUBZone) program helps small businesses in urban and rural communities gain preferential access to federal procurement opportunities. These preferences go to small businesses that obtain HUBZone certification in part by employing staff who live in a HUBZone.

What qualifies as a small business?

What Is the Definition of a Small Business? The answer varies by industry, but a small business is one that has fewer than 1,500 employees and a maximum of $38.5 million in average annual receipts, according to the SBA.

What is an 8 a business?

What is the 8(a) Business Development Program? The 8(a) Business Development Program is a business assistance program for small disadvantaged businesses. The 8(a) Program offers a broad scope of assistance to firms that are owned and controlled at least 51% by socially and economically disadvantaged individuals.

What are the benefits of a HUBZone?

A HUBZone Certification gives a business a 10% pricing advantage over its competition bidding on the same government contract. When federal contracting officers are purchasing off GSA Advantage, often times a HUBZone reseller of a product is less expensive than the manufacturer because of this 10% price preference.

What are the 4 types of small business?

There are 4 main types of business organization: sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, and Limited Liability Company, or LLC.

What is the HUBZone program?

The HUBZone program fuels small business growth in historically underutilized business zones with a goal of awarding at least three percent of federal contract dollars to HUBZone-certified companies each year. Program changes and improvements SBA has made it easier for qualified small businesses to participate in the HUBZone program.

How do I contact the HUBZone Council?

Please contact us at [email protected] and let us know what led to this error. Sorry for any inconvenience. The HUBZone Council is a non-profit trade association comprised of a group of companies and organizations working together to improve and support the HUBZone program and small busines s community.

How do I become a HUBZone small business?

If your small business is located in a designated HUBZone, it may be eligible for set-aside government contracts. See the HUBZone map Apply to get certified as a HUBZone small business Before you can participate in the HUBZone program, you must be certified by the SBA.

What are the changes to the HUBZone employee provision?

Adding a new “Legacy” HUBZone employee provision: Businesses may now count long-term HUBZone resident employees as permanent HUBZone residents, with proper documentation. This does not apply to firms or employees located in a Redesignated Area or Qualified Disaster Area.