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What does it mean to abdicate responsibility?

What does it mean to abdicate responsibility?

abdicate, renounce, resign mean to give up a position with no possibility of resuming it. abdicate implies a giving up of sovereign power or sometimes an evading of responsibility such as that of a parent.

What is the dominant party in Egypt?

The politics of Egypt are based on republicanism, with a semi-presidential system of government. The current political system was established following the Egyptian Revolution of 2011 and the resignation of President Hosni Mubarak.

Is Egypt a one party state?

By its constitution, Egypt has a multi-party system. However, in practice the National Democratic Party was the long-time ruling party and dominated the Egyptian political arena up until the Egyptian Revolution of 2011, which ousted NDP president Hosni Mubarak.

What are the different parties in politics?

The Democratic Party and the Republican Party are the most powerful. Yet other parties, such as the Reform, Libertarian, Socialist, Natural Law, Constitution, and Green Parties can promote candidates in a presidential election.

What is the example of abdicate?

The definition of abdicate means to formally and/or publicly give up a position of power or a responsibility, usually by choice. An example of abdicate is a king choosing to no longer be king.

What does abdication mean in law?

Abdication definition The act of a person or branch of government renouncing or abandoning an office, trust, sovereignty, privileges, or duties to which he or she is entitled, holds, or possesses by law. noun. The act of abdicating; the renunciation of a high office, dignity, or trust, by its holder.

Is Egypt becoming secular?

A The Economist report in 2017 stated that Egyptians were turning more secular again, with supporters of sharia law dropping by more than half since 2011, people praying less than before, and gender equality now being widely accepted.

Who controls Egypt now?

President of Egypt

President of the Arab Republic of Egypt
Incumbent Abdel Fattah el-Sisi since 8 June 2014
Style His/Her Excellency
Residence Heliopolis Palace, Cairo, Egypt
Term length 6 years, renewable once

What was the first organ to be taken from the body during mummification?

The first step in the Egyptian mummification process was washing the body with water from the Nile River, which was sacred because it helped their crops grow. The next step was removing the brain, using a brain hook. They discarded the brain. Next, the priests would remove other internal organs.

What is the synonym of abdicate?

renounce, resign, step aside (from), step down (from), surrender.