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What does it mean by prime movers?

What does it mean by prime movers?

Definition of prime mover 1a : an initial source of motive power (such as a windmill, waterwheel, turbine, or internal combustion engine) designed to receive and modify force and motion as supplied by some natural source and apply them to drive machinery. b : a powerful tractor or truck usually with all-wheel drive.

What are examples of prime movers?

A prime mover is a machine that converts energy into work and examples of such machines are the gas turbine, steam turbine, reciprocating internal combustion engine, and hydraulic turbine.

Are called prime movers?

Agonists are also referred to as prime movers since they are the muscles that are primarily responsible for generating the movement.

What is another name for a prime mover?

In this page you can discover 14 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for prime-mover, like: creator, primum-mobile, motivator, instigator, , author, god, initial force, cause, mover and first-cause.

What is a prime mover quizlet?

Prime mover: a muscle that has the major responsibility for producing a specific movement.

What is the characteristics of a prime mover?

The transfer of active power between alternators in parallel is accomplished by adjustment of the no-load speed setting of the respective prime-mover governors, and the transfer of reactive power is accomplished by adjustment of the respective field rheostats or voltage regulators.

What’s another word for early adopter?

What is another word for early adopter?

lighthouse customer trendsetter
groundbreaker innovator
trailblazer pioneer
pathfinder pacemaker
originator initiator

What is the synonym of recruitment?

Synonyms & Near Synonyms for recruitment. appointment, assignment, conscription, enlistment.

What is a prime mover What is an antagonist?

Prime mover: a muscle that has the major responsibility for producing a specific movement. Antagonist: muscles that oppose, or reverse, a particular movement. Synergist: helps prime movers by adding a little extra force to the same movement or by reducing undesirable or unnecessary movements.

What are the functions of prime movers?

In engineering, a prime mover is an engine that converts fuel to useful work. In locomotives, the prime mover is thus the source of power for its propulsion. In an engine-generator set, the engine is the prime mover, as distinct from the generator.

What’s a synonym for innovative?

original, innovatory, innovational, new, novel, fresh, unconventional, unorthodox, off-centre, unusual, unfamiliar, unprecedented, avant-garde, experimental, inventive, ingenious.

Is trendsetter one word or two?

Word forms: trendsetters A trendsetter is a person or institution that starts a new fashion or trend.