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What does Estyn mean in Welsh?

What does Estyn mean in Welsh?

to reach out
The word Estyn means ‘to reach out’ and ‘to stretch’ in Welsh. As a Crown body, we were established under the Education Act 1992. We’re independent of the Welsh Parliament but funded by the Welsh Government (under Section 104 of the Government of Wales Act 1998).

What services do Estyn carry out?

We inspect quality and standards in education and training providers in Wales. We are responsible for inspecting: nursery schools and settings that are maintained by, or receive funding from, local authorities.

What is the aim of Estyn?

Our mission is to support education and training providers to develop a self-improving and learning culture through our advice, inspection and capacity building.

What is the best primary school in Cardiff?

5 Best Primary Schools in Cardiff

  1. St.
  2. Marlborough Primary School.
  3. St. Patrick’s Catholic Primary School.
  4. Ninian Park Primary School. Rated ‘good’ by the latest Estyn report, Ninian Park Primary School also was classed as ‘green’ in the National School Categorisation System.
  5. St. Peter’s Primary School.

What is an inspection framework?

The common inspection framework (‘the framework’) is designed to bring together the inspection of different education, skills and early years settings to provide greater coherence across different providers that cater for similar age ranges.

Who inspects social services in Wales?

Healthcare Inspectorate Wales
Health care services in Wales are inspected and regulated by Healthcare Inspectorate Wales (HIW). Care and Social Services Inspectorate Wales (CSSIW) are the regulator for social care and social services in Wales, from child minders and nurseries to homes for older people.

Whats the best school in Cardiff?

Top 5 best performing schools in Cardiff and their catchment areas in Cardiff ranked by School Guide in 2021

  • Cardiff High School.
  • Bishop Of Llandaff Church In Wales High School.
  • Ysgol Gyfun Gymraeg Glantaf.
  • Ysgol Gyfun Gymraeg Bro Edern.
  • Fitzalan High School.