What does com se com SA mean?
comme ci comme ça (not comparable) Neither good nor bad; so so; tolerable, passable, indifferent. synonyms ▲ Synonyms: average, fair, meh, mediocre, middling, lackluster, okay, so-so.
What is meaning of comme ci comme ca?
so-so; neither good nor bad
[ kawm -see kawm -sa ] SHOW IPA. / kɔm ˈsi kɔm ˈsa / PHONETIC RESPELLING. French. so-so; neither good nor bad.
How do you say com si Com SA?
Comme ci, comme ça is a French phrase that literally means like this, like that. In conversation it means so-so, or neither good, nor bad. It is pronounced /kôm ˈsē kômˈsä/ (come see come saw).
How do you reply to comme ci comme?
If you’re not on top form, you simply reply: “Comme ci, comme ça”. You can also say “couci-couça” in this situation.
Is comme ci comme ca formal or informal?
If you’re doing so-so, you can respond “Comme ci comme ça” (“So-so”) in both informal and formal situations.
What is pas mal?
The French expression pas mal (pronounced “pah-mahl”) is a handy phrase to know because you can use it in a variety of ways in casual conversation. Literally translated, it means “not bad” in English and can be used to respond to common questions such as ça va? or comment allez-vous?
What Comme means?
Comme is a French subordinating conjunction meaning “as” or “since”: Il est arrivé comme je commençais à manger. Translation: He arrived as I was starting to eat.
Does anyone actually say comme ci comme ca?
In fact, “comme ci comme ça” is also used in Quebec, but rarely. We often say “moyen” instead.
Does anyone say comme ci comme ca?
“Comme-ci comme ça” is a valid English expression inspired from French and having the same meaning. It may be the reason why it is taught to French learners, as it is a “transparent word”. It’s not used much in France, but it is understandable to everyone.
Do people still say comme ci comme ca?
I have never heard any French person, wether young or old, using “comme ci, comme ça”. The expression exists though, and is understood. From my experience, it is widely known by foreign people learning French, and not only native English speakers; I have heard it in Central Europe too.
How do you reply to Bonjour?
What is the proper response to bonjour? It’s more than sufficient to simply say bonjour back in response to those who greet you, but if you want to go a step beyond, you can respond with comment allez-vous, which is the French equivalent of asking how it’s going.
How do you say com se com SA in Spanish?
The phrase ‘Com se com sa’ has no meaning in Spanish. For it actually is a French phrase that correctly is stated as follows: Comme ceci, comme cela. It often is shortened to Comme ci, comme ça. The French pronunciation is the following: kum see, kum sah.
What does’COM se com Sa’Mean in Spanish?
The phrase ‘Com se com sa’ has no meaning in Spanish. For it actually is a French phrase that correctly is stated as follows: Comme ceci, comme cela. It often is shortened to Comme ci, comme ça. The French pronunciation is the following: kum see, kum sah. The English equivalent is ‘like this, like that’, ‘so-so’, or in other words ‘lukewarm’.
What is the meaning of Comme ci comme ça?
Neither good nor bad; so so; tolerable, passable, indifferent . The dessert was pretty good, but the meal was comme ci comme ça. Neither very well nor very poorly . How did he do at the tryouts? Oh, comme ci comme ça.