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What does chromium GTF do for the body?

What does chromium GTF do for the body?

Cr-GTF works together with insulin produced by the pancreas to metabolize carbohydrates. Cr-GTF has been used in alternative medicine to treat chromium deficiency, as an aid to controlling blood sugar in people with diabetes or prediabetes, to lower cholesterol, and as a weight-loss supplement.

What is chromium 1000 mg used for?

People use chromium for chromium deficiency. It is also used for diabetes, high cholesterol, athletic performance, bipolar disorder, and many other purposes, but there is no good scientific evidence to support most of these uses.

What does GTF chromium mean?

Chromium is also sometimes referred to as Glucose Tolerance Factor (GTF), which is the biologically active form of chromium originally identified in brewer’s yeast ( 2 ).

Is 1000 mcg of chromium too much?

Some researchers suggest that 1,000 micrograms a day should be considered the upper limit. Excessive doses of chromium may actually worsen insulin sensitivity. The doses used in clinical studies vary. For example, for diabetes, people have taken 200-1,000 micrograms daily, split two to three times a day.

Is GTF chromium good for weight loss?

In addition to its effects on glucose, insulin, and lipid metabolism, chromium has been reported to increase lean body mass and decrease percentage body fat, which may lead to weight loss in humans.

What is chromium for weight loss?

Chromium is an essential trace element and nutritional supplement that has garnered interest for use as a weight loss aid. Purported benefits of supplementation include increased lean body mass, decreased body fat, and greater resting energy expenditure.

Does chromium reduce weight?

Normal dietary intake of chromium in humans and farm animals is often suboptimal. In addition to its effects on glucose, insulin, and lipid metabolism, chromium has been reported to increase lean body mass and decrease percentage body fat, which may lead to weight loss in humans.

Does chromium cause hair loss?

In 2008, government agencies in the US reported health problems due to high concentrations of selenium and chromium in certain dietary supplements and raised the alarm concerning them. Users of these products experienced symptoms such as hair loss, muscle spasms, diarrhea, and joint pain.

Is GTF chromium good for you?

Research Finding #2: Chromium supports lean body mass (muscle building). Research has shown that Chromium GTF causes greater loss of fat and less loss of muscle than dieting without chromium. A study in weight lifters showed much greater muscle gain with chromium!

How long does it take for chromium to work?

Overall, this research found that chromium picolinate produced very small amounts of weight loss (2.4 pounds or 1.1 kg) after 12 to 16 weeks in overweight or obese adults.

How much weight can you lose taking chromium?

Doses of up to 1,000 μg/day of chromium picolinate were used in these studies. Overall, this research found that chromium picolinate produced very small amounts of weight loss (2.4 pounds or 1.1 kg) after 12 to 16 weeks in overweight or obese adults.

How do you take chromium GTF for weight loss?

If you are in excellent health, at an ideal weight, 1 tablet daily may be enough. For the rest of us, adding enough to get to the 900-1100 mcg per day is recommended. Adding 2-5 Chromium GTF tablets per day, depending on your multivitamin, will guarantee what we believe to be an optimum dose.