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What does chalazion mean in medical terms?

What does chalazion mean in medical terms?

A chalazion is a red bump on your eyelid. It is sometimes called an eyelid cyst or a meibomian cyst. It slowly forms when an oil gland (called a meibomian) becomes blocked. At first, the chalazion may be painful, but after a little time, it usually doesn’t hurt.

What causes a chalazion?

Chalazion Causes The meibomian glands in your upper and lower eyelids make oil that mixes with your tears to moisten and protect your eyes. If the oil gets too thick or if the glands are blocked because of inflammation, you may get a chalazion. Rarely, an infection can cause a chalazion.

What is difference between stye and chalazion?

A chalazion is a blocked oil gland that appears on the inside of the eyelid, usually surfacing as a bump. An eye stye (or hordeolum) is a smaller pimple-like bump that appears on the upper or lower eyelid due to a blocked oil gland. It is typically near the eyelash and lives on the outside of the eyelid.

How is a chalazion removed?

Chalazion Surgery Surgery to treat a chalazion is an office procedure that takes about 15 to 20 minutes to perform. The doctor injects a numbing agent into the eyelid and makes a small incision in the bump. The doctor then drains the fluid and removes the material collected within the nodule.

What causes chalazion inside eyelid?

A chalazion is caused by a blockage in one of the tiny meibomian glands of the upper and lower eyelids. The oil these glands produce helps moisten the eyes. Inflammation or viruses affecting the meibomian glands are the underlying causes of chalazia.

What is the best treatment for chalazion?

A chalazion will often go away without treatment in a month or so.

  • The first treatment is to place warm compresses over the eyelid for 10 to 15 minutes at least four times a day. Use lukewarm water (no hotter than you can leave your hand in comfortably).
  • DO NOT push or squeeze the chalazion.

Is chalazion caused by stress?

Stress and hormonal changes can also cause it. A chalazion happens when a tiny part of your eyelid called a meibomian gland becomes blocked. You can also get it from a stye that is no longer infected but has left hardened material stuck in a gland.

Is chalazion cancerous?

The most common malignancy in recurrent chalazion is sebaceous gland carcinoma. It is highly malignant and potentially lethal; early diagnosis and treatment is key to optimum survival.

How does a doctor treat a chalazion?

Treatment. Most chalazions require minimal medical treatment and clear up on their own in a few weeks to a month. Apply warm compresses to the eyelid for 10 to 15 minutes, 4 to 6 times a day for several days. The warm compresses may help soften the hardened oil that is blocking the ducts and allow drainage and healing.