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What does beside himself with joy mean?

What does beside himself with joy mean?

In a state of extreme agitation or excitement
In a state of extreme agitation or excitement, as in She was beside herself when she found she’d lost her ring, or Peter was beside himself with joy—he’d won the poetry award.

Can you be beside yourself with joy?

We have a somewhat strange expression you can use to describe that situation: “to be beside yourself.” So, if I say I am beside myself with joy, I am filled with joy! However, I can also be beside myself with grief, anger, or most other emotions. You can use this expression to talk about others, too.

What does the term beside themselves mean?

If people are beside themselves, they are very worried or emotional about something.

Is it beside himself or besides himself?

Importantly, these uses all use the spelling “beside” (no final “s”). As such, saying “besides yourself” or “besides the point” will always be an error. Two men sitting beside one another.

Where did the saying beside myself come from?

A: The earliest example of “beside oneself” in the Oxford English Dictionary is from a 1490 translation by William Caxton of Virgil’s Aeneid: “Mad and beside herself.”

How do you use black sheep?

You can use the phrase “Black Sheep” when describing someone who acts differently than the expected norm. It’s usually used in conjunction with “family” as in he’s the black sheep of the family. Example of use: “Rachel is the black sheep in the family because she is an artist whereas everyone else is an economist.”

Where does the term beside myself come from?

What does behind himself mean?

Definition of put (something) behind (oneself) : to stop worrying about or being upset by (something that happened in the past) It was a disappointing loss, but we need to put it behind us and focus on winning the next game.

Where did the term beside myself originate?

The first recorded use of the term is in the Old testament (Acts 26:24): “Paul, thou art beside thyself; much learning makes thee mad.” The meaning of ‘Beside Oneself’ in the verse is that Paul’s anger has driven him to the point of madness, however nowadays it describes a situation where a person is at an extreme mode …

Where did the phrase beside myself come from?

The literature on the subject typically traces it back to ancient Greece, where “beside” meant “outside of” or “away from” (cf. the complementary turn of phrase, “carried away by”).

Where does the expression beside himself come from?

The preposition “beside” literally meant “by the side of” when it showed up in Middle English in the late 1200s. By the late 1300s, it had taken on the sense of “outside of.” So someone who’s “beside himself” is “outside himself”—that is, “out of his mind.”

What does it mean to be beside?

by or at the side of; near: Sit down beside me. compared with: Beside him other writers seem amateurish. apart from; not connected with: beside the point; beside the question.