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What does a humpy dry fly imitate?

What does a humpy dry fly imitate?

Tied in yellow or red (or even “royal” fashion), the Humpy is a high-floating dry fly that imitates a host of bugs, from larger mayflies to caddis, but doesn’t exactly resemble anything in particular. It just looks buggy.

What is a Comparadun dry fly?

Comparaduns are one of the most versatile mayfly patterns in existence representing a low-riding mayfly to near perfection. They are commonly used during a PMD (pale morning dun) hatch. However, many folks deny themselves of tying this simple pattern due to the perceived complexity of tying the deer hair wings.

Are Klinkhammers dry flies?

A wonderfully designed fly, originated by Hans van Klinken, the Klinkhammer is a dry fly designed to hang down in the film imitating an insect that’s trying to emerge.

Are soft hackle flies Wet flies?

A soft hackle fly is a type of wet fly – it is not a nymph, streamer or dry. The idea is to present a pattern that looks like an aquatic insect below the surface – perhaps a diving caddis, a spent mayfly spinner, a mayfly emerger or even an attractor – which the fish can better see under the surface.

What is Comparadun?

The Comparadun defines simplicity, but it is a true fish catching machine. It has one of the most beautiful silhouettes in a mayfly imitation of all time. Due to the nature of the tie the fly rides low in the film and the hollow costal deer hair helps to keep the fly afloat.

What is a perdigon nymph?

The Perdigon nymph is a spanish fly pattern designed to get down quickly in fast water, and is responsible for a couple of Spanish world championships. They feature a short slender body with a few pheasant tail fibers and a small hot spot behind a tungsten bead.

What type of fly is a Klinkhammer?

The Klinkhammer fly is a type of parachute fly designed by Dutch angler Hans Van Klinken in the early 1980s. Standard parachute flies are designed to imitate an insect emerging from the water, so the body of the fly is suspended in the water surface.

What do soft hackles imitate?

Soft hackles are perhaps the most versatile patterns because you can fish them effectively from the streambed to the surface. These simple flies are chameleons, effectively imitating almost the entire life cycles of mayflies, midges, caddisflies, and a host of other arthropods.

Which side of the peacock feather is the herl?

Figures 3 and 4 present diagrams of herl taken from the left and right side of the peacock feather respectively. If you cut a piece of herl off the feather and squint at it, you will realize that it is far from symmetrical.

How do you wrap a peacock feather with a hook?

Rule 2: Attach the herl to the hook so that the long bristles will be oriented out (and the short bristles in) as you wrap. Thus, if you want to satisfy Rule 1 and simultaneously have the long bristles facing out, you can only use the herl from the left side of the peacock feather – e. g. the herl shown in Figure 3.

What is the top and bottom of a herl feather?

The “top” of the herl is relatively flat while the bottom is usually a “ridge” of material that is perpendicular to the plane made by the bristles. On herl taken from the right-side of the feather, (Figure 4) the left bristles will be the long ones and the right bristles will be short.

How many turns of herl are in a clump of feathers?

All four “clumps” in Figure 2 were tied with peacock herl taken from the single feather in Figure 1. Each clump consists of exactly 10 turns of herl.