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What does 43 mean to Sheldon?

What does 43 mean to Sheldon?

(Turns out 43 is the number of times he’s been able to bounce a hacky sack without dropping it. Pretty impressive for a guy as uncoordinated as Sheldon.) This episode started out as a pretty big down for me because as I said, I had a lot to complain about with regards to the Leonard and Penny storyline.

How do they go down the stairs in big bang theory?

“The way it works is, you go down the stairs, and then they yell, ‘Hold. ‘ They change the scenery from like if the apartment says 1a it suddenly says 2a or 3. They change the set so it looks exactly like another floor. You run back up the stairs, that go nowhere, and then you walk back down as if it’s a new floor.”

Where did everyone go to school in Big Bang Theory?

In popular culture, Caltech is known as the place where most of “The Big Bang Theory” characters work. Caltech, short for California Institute of Technology, is in fact a prestigious research university widely recognized for the studies of science and engineering.

What episode does Sheldon rock climb?

CHUCK LORRE PRODUCTIONS, #237 There’s a funny moment in tonight’s episode where Sheldon gets stuck on a rock-climbing wall and remarks, “What part of an inverse tangent function approaching an asymptote don’t you understand?” I thought it’d be helpful to take a moment and examine that joke.

What is the perfect number according to Sheldon Cooper?

73 is Sheldon Cooper’s favorite number in The Big Bang Theory. He first expresses his love for it in “The Alien Parasite Hypothesis”.

When did Penny say I love you Leonard?

“The 43 Peculiarity” is the eighth episode of the sixth season of the American sitcom The Big Bang Theory. This episode first aired on Thursday, November 15, 2012.

Is the stairwell in Big Bang Theory real?

The Stairs exist in the fictional apartment building at 2311 Los Robles Avenue that serpentines around the broken elevator for a distance of five floors where Sheldon, Leonard and Penny reside. The elevator was repaired in 2019.

How many flights of stairs are there in The Big Bang Theory?

Big Bang Theory Quote 11123 Leonard: Well, then, you just walked up three flights of stairs for nothing. Penny: Wait, don’t you mean four flights? Leonard: No, it’s actually three.

Where did Sheldon went to school?

the California Institute of Technology
When Sheldon was fourteen years old, he graduated college East Texas Tech summa cum laude, began graduate school at the California Institute of Technology, and was the youngest person at the time to receive the Stevenson Award at “fourteen and a half.” He received his first doctorate at the age of sixteen, and he then …

Is Caltech a real school?

Caltech is an independent, privately supported institution with a 124-acre campus located in Pasadena, California.

Do Sheldon and Kripke become friends?

Summary. Sheldon wants access to a university computer which Kripke controls, so Sheldon decides to become friends with his adversary.

Who are Sheldon’s 10 friends?

These friends are presumed to be: Leonard, Penny, Raj, Howard, Bernadette, Amy, Wil Wheaton, Stephen Hawking, Stuart Bloom, and Arthur Jefferies (professor Proton).