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What do you say when your 18 candles?

What do you say when your 18 candles?

18th Birthday Messages

  • If you don’t do wild things while you’re young, you’ll have nothing to smile about when you’re old.
  • Happy 18th birthday.
  • Happy 18th birthday!
  • Happy adulthood!
  • Set the world on fire, dream BIG, and make your life as exciting to live than it is to remember.
  • Wishing you a happy birthday.

What does the 18 candles do?

The 18 candles ceremony is to highlight the people in her life who have knowledge she respects. These people are meant to share words of wisdom to help give “light” for the journey she’s going to have as an adult.

How do you wish someone a 18th birthday?


  1. Now that you’re 18, it’s a good time to start looking toward your future.
  2. Welcome to adulthood, kiddo.
  3. Happy 18th Birthday!
  4. Being an adult suits you.
  5. Now that you’re 18, I hope you don’t start worrying about acting like a grownup.
  6. Time to transition from being an awesome kid to being an awesome adult.

Can boys be 18 candles?

In most cases, the debutante may choose 18 roses and 18 candles if she wishes to. The sole purpose of the roses is to honor the closest male to the celebrant. This includes uncles, cousins, close friends, suitors or boyfriend. Most debut celebrations prefer the number of people participating add up to 18.

Why is 18 a special birthday?

18th birthday Turning 18 officially marks the end of childhood. Now you’re an adult, you can make your own decisions, you can vote ‐ and you drink down the pub! Traditional gifts, such as keys and tankards, symbolise this new stage of life.

What does 18 wishes mean in debut?

The 18 candles symbolize the lass’s journey to a bright future. Eighteen women will be selected, saying their speech one by one while holding a lit candle come the debut party. After the address, the candle will be placed beside the cake for the debutante to blow out after the 18 women have finished.

Why is 18th birthday important?

Why is 18th birthday special?

Why is 18 so important?

While you might not personally consider your average 18 year old a full-fledged adult, 18 is a pretty magic number in the U.S. It’s the the age when you can vote, go to war, work full-time, and move out of your parents’ house.

What do you call a girls 18th birthday?

Eighteenth birthdays are a grand celebration, called ‘the debut’. “I actually didn’t like the idea of celebrating a debut because I was really boyish when I was younger,” explained Hannah Cafe, a recent debutante from Palawan. “The thought of wearing a gown and make-up scared me.