What do you mean by axially symmetric flow?
Axial symmetry is symmetry around an axis; an object is axially symmetric if its appearance is unchanged if rotated around an axis.
What is Stokes stream function explain?
In fluid dynamics, the Stokes stream function is used to describe the streamlines and flow velocity in a three-dimensional incompressible flow with axisymmetry. A surface with a constant value of the Stokes stream function encloses a streamtube, everywhere tangential to the flow velocity vectors.
How is the stream function defined?
Stream functions are defined for two-dimensional flow and for three-dimensional axial symmetric flow. The stream function can be used to plot the streamlines of the flow and find the velocity. For two-dimensional flow the velocity components can be calculated in Cartesian coordinates by. (10.5)
What is a symmetric flow?
An axially symmetric cavity flow of an ideal fluid is moving around an obstacle. The flow is either in a cylindrical pipe or an unbounded region and the cavity may be finite. Essentially is the assumption that the obstacle is star-like with respect to some point on the axis of symmetry.
What is types of symmetry?
There are four types of symmetry that can be observed in various situations, they are:
- Translation Symmetry.
- Rotational Symmetry.
- Reflection Symmetry.
- Glide Symmetry.
Which is an axis symmetric surface?
Thus, an axially symmetric surface is defined to be the surface generated by a (planar) curve rotated about the axis of rotation. Here is a paper on the study of axially symmetric surfaces, which you may find interesting.
What is Lagrange stream function?
A scalar function of position used to describe steady, incompressible two-dimensional flow; constant values of this function give the streamlines, and the rate of flow between a pair of streamlines is equal to the difference between the values of this function on the streamlines.
What is Navier Stokes equation in fluid mechanics?
Navier-Stokes equation, in fluid mechanics, a partial differential equation that describes the flow of incompressible fluids. The equation is a generalization of the equation devised by Swiss mathematician Leonhard Euler in the 18th century to describe the flow of incompressible and frictionless fluids.
What are the properties of stream function?
Properties of the stream function For a continuous flow (no sources or sinks), the volume flow rate across any closed path is equal to zero. For two incompressible flow patterns, the algebraic sum of the stream functions is equal to another stream function obtained if the two flow patterns are super-imposed.
What is streamline equation?
Streamline equations. A streamline is defined as a line which is everywhere parallel to the local velocity vector. V (x, y, z, t) = uı+ v ˆ+ w k.
What is cylindrical symmetry?
In 3-dimensions, a surface or solid of revolution has circular symmetry around an axis, also called cylindrical symmetry or axial symmetry. An example is a right circular cone.
What are 4 types of symmetry?
Types of symmetries are rotational symmetry, reflection symmetry, translation symmetry, and glide reflection symmetry. These four types of symmetries are examples of different types of symmetry on a flat surface called planar symmetry.
What is axially symmetric flow pattern?
Axially symmetric flow patterns are efficiently resolved if the coordinate axes are aligned along the radial, tangential and axial directions, respectively. This is particularly convenient for flow patterns such as line sources or vortices.
What is the axisymmetric stream function?
The axisymmetric stream function is sometimes called the Stokes stream function. It has units of m 3 /s, in contrast to the plane-flow stream function, which has units of m 2 /s.
What is an example of an axisymmetric flow?
Typical examples of such flows are a flow over a body of revolution, a wake behind an axially symmetrical body, and a jet issuing from an axisymmetric body.
What are streamlines and stream functions?
Jump to navigation Jump to search. Streamlines – lines with a constant value of the stream function – for the incompressible potential flow around a circular cylinder in a uniform onflow. The stream function is defined for incompressible (divergence-free) flows in two dimensions – as well as in three dimensions with axisymmetry.