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What do you do in final art GCSE?

What do you do in final art GCSE?

Your GCSE Art final piece must be a conclusion to your research and experimentation, directly related to all key aspects of your investigations.

Is art GCSE hard to pass?

GCSE Art is a very popular subject but is tough and requires a lot of hard work. Although there won’t be any written exams, you will have a great deal to do over the two years and it can take up a lot of time.

What should be included in a final piece plan?

Lesson focus: Final Piece Planning Your task is to create a visual and written plan of your intentions. This idea should not be a stand alone final idea it should be a refinement of a potential idea based on your developments eventually you will reach your final plan.

What topics are in GCSE art?


  • Ceramics.
  • Drawing.
  • Painting.
  • Photography.
  • Printing.

What is the pass rate for GCSE art?

84.8 per cent
GCSE art, music, drama and D The pass rate fell from 86.4 per cent to 84.8 per cent. In music, half of entries – 50.2 per cent – secured one of the top three grades, compared with 46 per cent in 2020. The pass rate fell by 1.1pp to 88.1 per cent.

How do you get full marks in GCSE art?

Top 6 GCSE Art Tips

  1. TIP #3: Experiment. My advice to you experiment with different mediums in one art project.
  2. TIP #4: Show your process! Show all of your sketches which are rough, do mind maps and just focus on the exploration of concepts.
  3. TIP #5: Do a topic that you actually like.
  4. TIP #6:Do not be afraid to try.

Can you listen to music in a GCSE Art exam?

Students are not allowed to listen to music during the exam. They are not allowed to communicate with each other.

How does art GCSE get marked?

Each component is marked out of a total of 96 marks. As the assessment objectives are equally weighted in each component, there is a maximum of 24 marks for each of the assessment objectives. The marks, out of 24, for each assessment objective must be added together to produce the total mark out of 96.

How long is the art GCSE exam?

10 hours
Exam timings The exam is 10 hours long (2 days) and during this time you must complete your final piece, in ‘controlled conditions’. The question paper consists of approximately 7 ‘questions’, each of which are themed starting points for a project. Every question will contain named artists to help you get started.