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What do mambos do?

What do mambos do?

Mambos or Houngas (ritual specialists) who the host invited, presided over the rituals and friends, fans, relatives, and acquaintances often rallied to support the afflicted.

What are Vodou spirits called?

lwa, also spelled loa, the primary spirits of Vodou.

What is a person who practices voodoo called?

In some sources, practitioners are referred to as Voodoos themselves, and elsewhere as Voodooists. A related term is hoodoo, which may originally have been largely synonymous with Voodoo.

What are the beliefs of Vodou?

Vodou believes in one God. However, because that one specific God is too far away for them, practioners call upon spirits or lwa, for aid and guidance. These lwa are divided into different “houses.” Some houses have stronger spirits than others. A popular misconception is that all Vodou is evil.

What is a Bokor voodoo?

A bokor (male) or caplata (female) is a Vodou witch for hire who is said to serve the loa “with both hands”, practicing for both good and evil. Their black magic includes the creation of zombies and of ‘ouangas’, talismans that house spirits.

Who is Legba?

NPS. Legba represents a West African and Caribbean Voodoo god. This god has many different names depending on the region in which he is worshipped is most commonly known in Haiti as Papa Legba.

Who is the most powerful voodoo god?

Depiction of Baron Samedi….

Baron Samedi
Veve for Baron Samedi
Loa of the Death and Fertility
Venerated in Haitian Vodou, Louisiana Voodoo, Folk Catholicism
Feast November 2

Is a loa a god?

The Loa, or Lwa, are spirits of the vodou/voodoo religion. While they are worshiped like gods, and evolved from several African Old Gods, they are actually spirits akin to saints or angels, acting as intermediaries between the humans and Bondye, the Supreme God and Creator of the World.

Who is the current voodoo queen?

Marie Laveau
Voodoo Queen of New Orleans
Major shrine International Shrine of Marie Laveau , New Orleans Healing Center circa 2015
Feast June 15th, September 10th
Attributes Water, Roosters

What type of religion is Vodou?

Summary: Vodou (meaning “spirit” or “god” in the Fon and Ewe languages of West Africa) is a blending (syncretism) of African religious traditions and Catholicism. In the United States, Vodou religious ceremonies are often performed in private group settings where spirits manifest in devotees through posession.

What is the Voodoo God?

NPS. Legba represents a West African and Caribbean Voodoo god. This god has many different names depending on the region in which he is worshipped is most commonly known in Haiti as Papa Legba. Papa Legba serves as the guardian of the Poto Mitan–the center of power and support in the home.

What is a Bocour?