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What did westward expansion do for the United States?

What did westward expansion do for the United States?

However, westward expansion provided the United States with vast natural resources and ports along the Atlantic, Pacific and Gulf coasts for expanding trade, key elements in creating the superpower America is today.

Why did the United States want to expand westward?

Gold rush and mining opportunities (silver in Nevada) The opportunity to work in the cattle industry; to be a “cowboy” Faster travel to the West by railroad; availability of supplies due to the railroad. The opportunity to own land cheaply under the Homestead Act.

When did westward expansion begin in the US?

A significant push toward the west coast of North America began in the 1810s. It was intensified by the belief in manifest destiny, federally issued Indian removal acts, and economic promise. Pioneers traveled to Oregon and California using a network of trails leading west.

What was the biggest impact of westward expansion?

Westward Expansion had the biggest impact on the economy and there were several positive outcomes as a result of Manifest Destiny. First, Westward Expansion led to the creation of many new technologies including steamboats, canals and the transcontinental railroads.

What were the 5 reasons for westward expansion?

What were 5 reasons for westward expansion? free land railroad gold and silver adventure and opportunity cattle
What were some challenges the cowboys faced on the long drive? Violent storms, wind, rain, moving rivers, stampedes, rustlers, hot sun, discrimination, and 15 hours on the saddle

What were the three main reasons for expansion?

After the Civil War the U.S. began expanding its control and influence beyond North America to other countries. Reasons the U.S. tried to influence other nations: (1) Economic (2) Military (3) Moral.