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What did the COBE satellite discover?

What did the COBE satellite discover?

COBE revolutionized our understanding of the early cosmos. It precisely measured and mapped the oldest light in the universe — the cosmic microwave background. The cosmic microwave background spectrum was measured with a precision of 0.005%. The results confirmed the Big Bang theory of the origin of the universe.

What type of telescope is the COBE?

Cosmic Background Explorer

Spacecraft properties
Spacecraft Explorer LXVI
Spacecraft type Cosmic Background Explorer
Manufacturer Goddard Space Flight Center

What age of the universe resulted from the COBE results?

The COBE DMR maps reveal the Universe when it was roughly 300,000 years old (past the beginning of the Big Bang and time as we understand it). This seems to be quite old by human standards until we compare it to the current age of the Universe of about 14 billion (14 x 109) years today.

What was the COBE telescope’s first major discovery in 1990?

Exploring the Universe. For COBE science: Back in the 1990s, Stephen Hawking described the COBE discovery of temperature variations in the afterglow of the big bang as “the most important discovery of the century, if not of all time.” It’s hard to top that, but NASA is trying!

What did the COBE observations tell cosmologists about the early universe?

What did the COBE observations tell cosmologists about the early universe? Recent observations indicate that the universe is expanding faster today than it was a few billion years ago (that, in other words, the expansion of the universe is accelerating).

Who developed the COBE?

NASA formed the science team in 1976, including members of two competing proposal teams. NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center built the COBE in Greenbelt, Maryland, U.S.

What does COBE mean in English?

Abbreviation of Cosmic Background Explorer.

Where is the COBE satellite?

Earth orbit
Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE), U.S. satellite placed in Earth orbit in 1989 to map the “smoothness” of the cosmic background radiation field and, by extension, to confirm the validity of the big bang theory of the origin of the universe.

What did the cosmic microwave background tell cosmologists about the early universe quizlet?

What did the cosmic microwave background tell cosmologists about the early universe? The horizon problem in that the microwave background is almost too isotropic. about three billion years after the Big Bang, with population I stars forming.

Is Cobe a Scrabble word?

COBE is not a valid scrabble word.

Is COBE still in orbit?

After four years of observations, the COBE mission was ended, but the satellite remained in orbit.

What is unusual about the cosmic microwave background radiation?

The Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) is the cooled remnant of the first light that could ever travel freely throughout the Universe. This ‘fossil’ radiation, the furthest that any telescope can see, was released soon after the ‘Big Bang’. Scientists consider it as an echo or ‘shockwave’ of the Big Bang.