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What day was Easter Sunday in the year 1980?

What day was Easter Sunday in the year 1980?

April, 6
Dates of Easter: Table

1980: April, 6 1981: April,19 1982: April,11
1983: April, 3 1984: April, 22 1985: April, 7
1986: March, 30 1987: April, 19 1988: April, 3
1989: March, 26 1990: April, 15 1991: March, 31
1992: April, 19 1993: April, 11 1994: April, 3

When was Easter Sunday in 1982?

April 11
Easter 1982 is April 11.

When was Easter Sunday in 1979?

April 15
Easter 1979 is April 15.

How is the date for Easter determined every year?

Specifically, Easter is celebrated on the first Sunday following the full Moon that occurs on or just after the ecclesiastical spring equinox (March 21).

What date was Good Friday 1981?

Moveable Feasts Related to Easter

Date Holiday name
Thursday, April 16, 1981 Maundy Thursday
Friday, April 17, 1981 Good Friday
Sunday, April 19, 1981 Easter
Monday, April 20, 1981 Easter Monday

What date was Easter in 1983?

April 3
Easter 1983 is April 3.

What day was Easter in 1983?

What date was Easter in 1984?

1984 Holidays

Date Holiday Day
April 20, 1984 Good Friday Friday
April 22, 1984 Easter Sunday
April 22, 1984 Earth Day Sunday
April 23, 1984 Easter Monday Monday

What date was Good Friday 1980?

Moveable Feasts Related to Easter

Date Holiday name
Sunday, March 30, 1980 Palm Sunday
Thursday, April 3, 1980 Maundy Thursday
Friday, April 4, 1980 Good Friday
Sunday, April 6, 1980 Easter

When was Easter Sunday in 1970?

Dates of Easter Sunday, By Year

April 7th, 1901 March 30th, 1902 April 23rd, 1905
April 10th, 1966 March 26th, 1967 March 29th, 1970
April 11th, 1971 April 2nd, 1972 March 30th, 1975
April 18th, 1976 April 10th, 1977 April 6th, 1980
April 19th, 1981 April 11th, 1982 April 7th, 1985

What is the earliest Easter has ever been?

March 22
The earliest Easter ever recorded in the Gregorian calendar from 1753 onwards was on March 22, both in 1761 and 1818. The next time Easter occurs on March 23 will not be until 2160, and a March 22 Easter will not happen until the year 2285.

What date has Easter fallen on the most?

In 500 years (from 1600 to 2099 AD) Easter was and will be most often celebrated on either March 31 or on April 16 (22 times each). This year, the date falls on April 4.

What date did Easter Sunday fall on in 1980?

Year Ash Wednesday Good Friday Easter Ascension Day : Whitsunday; 1980: 20.02: 04.04: 06.04: 15.05: 25.05. 1981: 04.03: 17.04: 19.04: 28.05: 07.06. 1982: 24.02: 09.04: 11.04: 20.05: 30.05. 1983: 16.02: 01.04: 03.04: 12.05: 22.05. 1984: 07.03: 20.04: 22.04: 31.05: 10.06. 1985: 20.02: 05.04: 07.04: 16.05: 26.05. 1986: 12.02: 28.03: 30.03: 08.05: 18.05. 1987: 04.03: 17.04: 19.04: 28.05: 07.06. 1988: 17.02: 01.04: 03.04: 12.05: 22.05. 1989: 08.02: 24.03

What are the future dates of Easter Sunday?

The complete procedure for calculating Easter Sunday dates for all years 326 to 4099 A.D.

  • How to work out Easter Sunday dates quickly and easily for yourself.
  • The Easter Method Calculation.
  • The way in which Easter dating methods evolved,and provides
  • Lists of Easter Sunday dates for the last 300 and next 300 years.
  • When does Easter end in the Catholic Church?

    When does easter end in the catholic church How long is the Easter season in the Catholic Church? 50 days What day concludes the Easter season? Eastertide ends on the 50th day after Easter, which is known as Pentecost Sunday .

    When was Easter Sunday in 1981?

    Easter was on Sunday, April 19, 1981.