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What color number is anthracite?

What color number is anthracite?

The hexadecimal color code #383e42 is a dark shade of cyan-blue. In the RGB color model #383e42 is comprised of 21.96% red, 24.31% green and 25.88% blue. In the HSL color space #383e42 has a hue of 204° (degrees), 8% saturation and 24% lightness.

What color is anthracite gray?

Anthracite is a chalky and earthy near-black or very dark gray. Anthracite itself is a form of coal used in thermal power stations for generating electricity. The color comes from the object and is a favored choice in furniture, home decor, and graphic design projects.

What color is 964b00?

The color brown (traditional) with hexadecimal color code #964b00 is a medium dark shade of brown. In the RGB color model #964b00 is comprised of 58.82% red, 29.41% green and 0% blue. In the HSL color space #964b00 has a hue of 30° (degrees), 100% saturation and 29% lightness.

What color is CSX blue?

The hexadecimal color code #104f8c is a medium dark shade of cyan-blue.

Is anthracite grey or blue?

Anthracite is a deep gray, appearing almost black with a softer edge. Coming in a pearl finish, it gives a sophisticated air without weighing down the room. Grey shades, such as anthracite, have been a growing trend in homes.

What is anthracite?

Definition of anthracite : a hard natural coal of high luster differing from bituminous coal in containing little volatile matter and in burning very cleanly. — called also hard coal.

Is anthracite grey nearly black?

The name anthracite comes from a precious variety of carbon: a black rock with a metallic shine, hence the reason anthracite appears on the black side even though it is actually a shade of deep grey that’s almost black but in a softer version.

Is anthracite grey blue?

Anthracite Grey really comes alive in natural sunlight when it gives off subtle undertones of blue and green. Fast becoming the most popular colour for the style conscious homeowner. Anthracite Grey has more interesting undertones than a typical pure grey with flashes of blues, greens depending how the light hits it.

What is the color code for chocolate brown?

Chocolate brown color On the hex chart used by web designers and developers, the color code for chocolate is #7B3F00. There are many ways to make chocolate brown.

What is the RGB for dark brown?

List of Brown Shades

Name Hex Code RGB Code
Dark Brown #5C4033 rgb(92, 64, 51)
Dark Red #8B0000 rgb(139, 0, 0)
Dark Tan #988558 rgb(152, 133, 88)
Ecru #C2B280 rgb(194, 178, 128)

Does anthracite grey look blue?

Anthracite Grey really comes alive in natural sunlight when it gives off subtle undertones of blue and green.

What does anthracite look like?

Anthracites are black to steel gray and have a brilliant, almost metallic lustre. They can be polished and used for decorative purposes. Hard and brittle, anthracites break with conchoidal fracture into sharp fragments. Unlike many bituminous coals, they are clean to the touch.