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What causes deep purple bruising without injury?

What causes deep purple bruising without injury?

Immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) Without enough platelets, the blood has trouble clotting. People with ITP may develop bruises for no apparent reason. Bleeding under the skin may also present as pinprick-sized red or purple dots that resemble a rash.

What does it mean if your bruise is dark purple?

Blue and dark purple Within a day or so of impact, your bruise will darken to blue or purple. This is caused by both low oxygen supplies and swelling at the bruising site. As a result, hemoglobin, which is typically red, begins a gradual change to blue. This darkening can last through the fifth day after injury.

Is a purple bruise a blood clot?

Blood will naturally clot at the site of the capillary damage causing a bruise. However, bruises themselves do not cause blood clots.

What Colour is a serious bruise?

After an injury occurs, a bruise will usually be red or purple in color. Within a few days, the area may become black, blue or purple. Within 5-10 days, the area will likely become yellowish or greenish. Within 10-14 days, you’re in your final stage of healing.

What does it mean if bruises suddenly appear on your legs?

Unexplained bruising on the legs can occur in both adults and children due to a variety of factors, including injury, age, an underlying health condition, or even things like medication. For example, in adults, bruising can occur more easily as we age due to thinning of the skin.

What do Leukemia bruises look like?

Small, pinhead-sized red spots on the skin (called “petechiae”) may be a sign of leukaemia. These small red spots are actually very small bruises that cluster so that they look like a rash.

How do you know if a bruise is serious?

Call the doctor if the bruise is accompanied by swelling and extreme pain, especially if you take a blood-thinning medication for a medical condition. Call the doctor if bruising occurs easily or for no apparent reason. Call the doctor if the bruise is painful and under a toenail or fingernail.

What are the first signs of a blood clot in the leg?

Signs that you may have a blood clot

  • leg pain or discomfort that may feel like a pulled muscle, tightness, cramping or soreness.
  • swelling in the affected leg.
  • redness or discoloration of the sore spot.
  • the affected area feeling warm to the touch.
  • a throbbing sensation in the affected leg.

What does a leg blood clot look like on the skin?

Clue: Skin Color If a clot plugs up veins in your arms or legs, they may look bluish or reddish. Your skin also might stay discolored from the damage to blood vessels afterward.

When should you get a bruise checked out?

When to Seek Medical Care

  1. Call the doctor if the bruise is accompanied by swelling and extreme pain, especially if you take a blood-thinning medication for a medical condition.
  2. Call the doctor if bruising occurs easily or for no apparent reason.
  3. Call the doctor if the bruise is painful and under a toenail or fingernail.

Where do leukemia bruises appear?

They can be purple, red or brown in colour and usually they occur on the arms, legs and stomach, but they can also be found on the inside of your mouth and around your eyes. The spots are caused by damage to very small blood vessels in the skin (called capillaries).

Why do bruises turn purple and/or black?

Bruising happens when an injury causes tiny blood vessels under your skin to leak . That can make your skin turn purple, blue, green, or even black.

What causes purple skin on legs?

Skin causes of purple skin

  • Pulmonary causes of purple skin
  • Cardiac causes of purple skin
  • Other causes of purple skin
  • Serious or life-threatening causes of purple skin.
  • Questions for diagnosing the cause of purple skin
  • Should bruises get darker?


  • green
  • purple
  • brown
  • yellowish,which most often occurs as the bruise heals
  • What can cause a black bruise?

    Bruises develop when small blood vessels under the skin tear or rupture, most often from a bump or fall. Blood leaks into tissues under the skin and causes the black-and-blue color. As bruises (contusions) heal, usually within 2 to 4 weeks, they often turn colors, including purplish black, reddish blue, or yellowish green. Sometimes the area of the bruise spreads down the body in the direction of gravity.