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What causes a dull pain in the lower right abdomen?

What causes a dull pain in the lower right abdomen?

Why Do I Have Lower Right Abdominal Pain? Pain on the right side of the abdomen can be caused by conditions such as appendicitis, hernia, kidney issues, reproductive system issues, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), indigestion, or even gas.

Can the cecum cause pain?

Diverticulum of the cecum is a rare, benign, generally asymptomatic lesion that manifests itself only following inflammatory or hemorrhagic complications. Most patients with inflammation of a solitary diverticulum of the cecum present with abdominal pain that is indistinguishable from acute appendicitis.

What causes lower abdominal pain in females?

Lower abdominal pain is common and often results from trapped wind, period pain, or a UTI. However, long lasting or severe lower abdominal pain may signify an underlying condition, such as IBD. It is important that you seek medical help if you are concerned about your lower abdominal pain.

Can stress cause right abdominal pain?

Absolutely. Stress and anxiety are common causes of stomach pain and other GI symptoms.

Why does my lower abdomen hurt when I press it?

Abdominal tenderness is generally a sign of inflammation or other acute processes in one or more organs. The organs are located around the tender area. Acute processes mean sudden pressure caused by something. For example, twisted or blocked organs can cause point tenderness.

What are the three types of abdominal pain?

There are four types of abdominal pain: upper, lower, right-sided and left-sided.

What causes the cecum to be inflamed?

Typhlitis is an inflammation of the cecum, which is the beginning of the large intestine. It’s a serious illness that affects people who have a weak immune system, often from cancer, AIDS, or organ transplant. Sometimes it’s referred to as neutropenic enterocolitis, ileocecal syndrome, or cecitis.

What can go wrong with the cecum?

An uncommon condition, a cecal volvulus occurs when your cecum and ascending colon twist, causing an obstruction that blocks the passage of stool through your bowels. This torsion can lead to abdominal pain, swelling, cramps, nausea, and vomiting.

What are the four types of abdominal pain?

There are four types of abdominal pain: upper, lower, right-sided and left-sided. Each type has specific symptoms and causes, and all are discussed below.

How can I relax my stomach muscles?

Tummy tuck

  1. Lie on your back with your knees bent.
  2. Take a deep breath in.
  3. As you breathe out, pull your belly button in toward your spine, as if you are trying to zip up a tight pair of jeans.
  4. Hold for about 6 seconds, but do not hold your breath.
  5. Relax up to 10 seconds.
  6. Repeat 8 to 12 times.