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What are top tier sororities at Alabama?

What are top tier sororities at Alabama?

Sororities – By Name Sort By: Name | Rank

  • Alpha Chi Omega – ΑΧΩ Ratings: 976. Grade: 72.57%
  • Alpha Delta Chi – ΑΔΧ Ratings: 75.
  • Alpha Delta Pi – ΑΔΠ Ratings: 700.
  • Alpha Gamma Delta – ΑΓΔ Ratings: 627.
  • Alpha Kappa Alpha – ΑΚΑ Ratings: 82.
  • Alpha Omicron Pi. Ratings: 782.
  • Alpha Phi – ΑΦ Ratings: 883.
  • Chi Omega – ΧΩ Ratings: 648.

How much is the average sorority at Alabama?

At the University of Alabama, the average new member fees run between $4,170 and $4,978 per semester. Members who live in the sorority house typically pay between $7,465 and $9,445. But Greek life isn’t that pricey everywhere.

How many sororities are at Iowa State University?

17 sororities
The Collegiate Panhellenic Council governs National Panhellenic Conference chapters and affiliate chapter membership on campus. Iowa State University CPC is a collective representative of 17 sororities on campus.

What is the most prestigious sorority?

The Most Prestigious Sororities Across the Country

  • Biggest: Chi Omega.
  • Most Historic: Alpha Kappa Alpha.
  • Most Celebrity Alums: Kappa Alpha Theta.
  • Most Devoted to Public Service: Delta Sigma Theta.
  • Oldest: Alpha Delta Pi.
  • Best Sorority House: Phi Mu.
  • Most Undergraduate Chapters: Alpha Omicron Pi.

What is the most expensive sorority at Alabama?

Take a look inside the new $13 million Phi Mu sorority house at the University of Alabama. Published: Oct. 13, 2016, 2:10 p.m. The brand new 39,444-square-foot Phi Mu sorority house (Alpha Zeta chapter) opened along Colonial Drive in July 2016.

How hard is it to get into a sorority at Alabama?

Just like you may not get into your top-choice college, there is no guarantee in being chosen to join your favorite sorority. This year, about 2,500 women rushed at the University of Alabama for less than 2,000 spots. Each of the 17 chapters at the school gave out bids to an average of 115 women, Damron says.

How much does it cost to be in a sorority at Iowa State?

The average cost of living in a sorority or fraternity house is very comparable to the residence halls with an average cost of $3,525 per semester. This cost includes room, board and membership dues.

What percentage of Iowa State is Greek?

14.6 percent
The Sorority and Fraternity Community is a large and growing element on the Iowa State campus today with over 60 organizations recognized by the university. Approximately 14.6 percent of all undergraduate students are members of the Sorority and Fraternity community.

What is the biggest sorority house at Alabama?

Gamma Phi Beta– University of Alabama When it opened its doors in 2015, the Epsilon Lambda Chapter house was not only the biggest Gamma Phi Beta house but the biggest sorority house in the country. While it has since been surpassed, it clocks in at over 40,000 square feet.

What is the most expensive sorority at University of Alabama?