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What are the two components of a smoke school course?

What are the two components of a smoke school course?

Smoke school consists of two parts; lecture and the field certification test. Recommended every 3 years. Covers observation and documentation procedures for making visible emissions observations. Required every 6 months.

What is Method 9 certification?

Method 9 – Visual Determination of the Opacity of Emissions From Stationary Sources. Many stationary sources discharge visible emissions into the atmosphere; these emissions are usually in the shape of a plume. This method involves the determination of plume opacity by qualified observers.

How long is a Method 9 certification valid?

6 months
The certification shall be valid for a period of 6 months, at which time the qualification procedure must be repeated by any observer in order to retain certification.

What is the difference between Method 9 and Method 22?

While method 9 is a quantitative test (as it attempts to measure opacity levels and thereby indirectly measure particulate concentrations), method 22 is a qualitative test used only to determine the presence or absence of visible emissions.

Does Method 22 require certification?

Method 22 Certification Requirement + Unlike Method 9, there is no certification requirement for Method 22. However, it is strongly recommended that you are familiar with visible emissions observations by completing a lecture course for Method 9 and at least one smoke school.

What is an opacity test?

Opacity test means the testing procedure for diesel-powered vehicles with a GVWR of 10,000 pounds or less that measures the amount of light transmitted through an exhaust plume.

What is EPA reading?

The Registry of EPA Applications, Models and Data Warehouses (READ) is the authoritative source of information about EPA information resources. Each information resource has a record in READ. Each record identifies if the information resource is an application/system or a model.

What is opacity monitoring?

Opacity is a measure of light attenuation ” the fraction of light lost in crossing the stack. An opacity monitor measures this value and reports it directly. A PM monitor measures optical characteristics of the stack gas and uses the value to calculate the PM concentration in mg/m3.

At what distance should a Method 9 observer perform a reading?

The observer should stand at a distance from the stack that is about three times the height of the stack. The observer’s line of sight (LOS) shall be approximately perpendicular to the track of the plume.

What is smoke opacity?

smoke opacity means degree of darkness of flue gas caused by emission of un- burnt carbon particles due to incomplete combustion of fuel measured on Ringlemann Scale.

What is FSN smoke?

FSN is the index which measures the amount of carbon particle (soot) available in the exhaust. The FSN value for diesel is higher than that of B10, B20, B40, and B100 blends. It is due to thisfact combustion is proper as the blending percentage increases.

Why Aeromet smoke schools?

For over 25 years, AeroMet has been providing respected EPA Method 9 certification throughout the U.S. and Canada. Through innovation and great clients, we have become the largest smoke school provider in the nation. Check out this video to see how we’re unique.

Why choose Aeromet for visible emissions training?

Aeromet has been providing quality visible emissions training for over 25 years. Our innovative EPA Method 9 certification program is thorough, efficient and unique in many ways. Our online smoke school lecture replaces traditional classroom lectures and builds off the success of our multimedia lecture that has been in use since 2004.

Who attends smoke school?

Inspectors from federal, state or municipal regulatory agencies also attend smoke school. These inspectors are responsible for ensuring opacity limitations are not exceeded by sources of visible emissions.

What time does the smoke school start and finish?

Most of our smoke schools start at 9:00 a.m. and are completed by 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on the same day. We will continue running tests until everyone has certified or light conditions are no longer favorable. We stay until you pass! When do I receive my certificates?