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What are the three threat levels target prioritization?

What are the three threat levels target prioritization?

There are three levels of threat: Level I, Level II, and Level III. These levels provide a general description and categorization of threat activities, Page 10 Executive Summary viii JP 3-10 identify recommended security responses to counter them, and establish a common reference for planning.

What are the two targeting categories?

The targeting process can be generally grouped into two categories: deliberate and dynamic.

How are TOW missiles guided?

TOW anti-armour missile The missile has command to line-of-sight guidance. The weapons operator uses a telescopic sight to view a point on the target and then fires the missile.

What is a Level 3 threat?

LEVEL 3: Alert (Examples: heating plant failure, extended power outage, severe storms, major fire, contagious disease outbreak, domestic water contamination, active violent criminal offense that poses an imminent threat (active shooter, robbery with a dangerous weapon suspect in the area).

What is a Level 1 threat?

Level I threats include the following types of individuals or activities: Enemy-controlled agents. Enemy-controlled agents are a potential threat throughout the rear area.

What is a dynamic target?

A dynamic target is a target that can change at run time. You can configure flat files and relational targets to be dynamic.

What is a target Sejpme?

What is a target? An entity or object considered for possible engagement or action. A company of Marine infantry moving forward is engaged by enemy armor. On-call close air support is given the coordinates of the line of enemy defenses and rolls in and engages the enemy armor units with Hellfire missiles.

What is a TOW gunner?

An Marine Corps Antitank Missileman – Tow Gunner (MOS 0352) are specialists in a unique, highly complicated weapons systems. Marine Corps Antitank Missileman – Tow Gunner provide medium and heavy anti-armor fire in support of the infantry battalion, tank battalion, LAR battalion, and MAGTF.

Can TOW missiles be fired on the move?

Objectives are for a weapon with increased range out to 10,000 m (6.2 mi) or more, as well as greater speed, the ability to fire on the move, and lock on before and after launch capability while retaining similar launcher size and arming distance.

Is TOW wire-guided?

The BGM-71 TOW (“Tube-launched, Optically tracked, Wire-guided”) is an American anti-tank missile. TOW replaced much smaller missiles like the SS….

Maximum speed 278–320 m/s
Guidance system Optically tracked, wire-guided (wireless radio-guided in RF variants)

What are the 5 threat levels?

There are 5 levels of threat:

  • low – an attack is highly unlikely.
  • moderate – an attack is possible but not likely.
  • substantial – an attack is likely.
  • severe – an attack is highly likely.
  • critical – an attack is highly likely in the near future.