What are the raw materials for fermentation?
The raw materials or substrate for the fermentation is generally a solution containing natural sugars such as sugarcane or beet sugar juices, “molasses,” the byproduct of the sugar industry or any other residual or low-value products such as fruit juice byproducts and residuals.
What are the raw materials for paper industry?
The process of papermaking uses raw materials including water, energy, chemicals and wood chips (1), that contain cellulose. Cellulose is the fiber component of wood, and exists naturally in most plant life. The paper mill boilers (2) produce steam for turbines (3) that make electricity for motors and pumps.
Which woody raw material is used for making of paper pulp?
The correct answer is Poplar. Poplar as raw material is used for making paper pulp.
Are raw materials?
Raw materials are the input goods or inventory that a company needs to manufacture its products. Examples of raw materials include steel, oil, corn, grain, gasoline, lumber, forest resources, plastic, natural gas, coal, and minerals.
What are the raw materials for ethanol production?
About 40% of the global bioethanol production is from sugar cane and sugar beet and nearly 60% is from starch-containing feedstocks (18). In Europe, the most convenient renewable raw materials for bioethanol production are grains (mostly wheat) and sugar beet (19).
Which material is used for making paper?
Over the centuries, paper has been made from a wide variety of materials such as cotton, wheat straw, sugar cane waste, flax, bamboo, wood, linen rags, and hemp. Regardless of the source, you need fiber to make paper. Today fiber comes mainly from two sources — wood and recycled paper products.
What type of material is paper?
Paper is a thin sheet material produced by mechanically or chemically processing cellulose fibres derived from wood, rags, grasses or other vegetable sources in water, draining the water through fine mesh leaving the fibre evenly distributed on the surface, followed by pressing and drying.
Which of the following wood is used in large quantities in India for the manufacturing of paper?
Paper mills generally use wood from bamboo, eucalyptus and subabul trees. Subabul wood is most widely used now.
Which of the following elements is not present abundantly in Earth’s crust?
Question | Which of the following element is not present abundantly in earth crust; |
1. | Silicon |
2. | Radium |
3. | carbon |
4. | Aluminium |
What are the 10 raw materials?
Examples of raw materials include steel, oil, corn, grain, gasoline, lumber, forest resources, plastic, natural gas, coal, and minerals.
What is the raw material used?
Raw materials are unfinished materials or natural resources used to produce or manufacture finished products for sale. These materials can be used in their unprocessed or processed form as found suitable. Examples include cotton, crude oil, coal, rubber blanks, mineral ores, wood, etc.
What are the main ingredients needed to manufacture bio ethanol?
Bioethanol is typically produced via microbial fermentation of fermentable sugars, such as glucose, to ethanol. Traditional feedstocks (e.g., first-generation feedstock) include cereal grains, sugar cane, and sugar beets.