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What are the morphometric analysis of a drainage system?

What are the morphometric analysis of a drainage system?

Different morphometric parameters such as stream length (Lu), bifurcation ratio (Rb), drainage density (D), stream frequency (Fs), texture ratio (T), elongation ratio (Re), circularity ratio (Rc), form factor ratio (Rf), relief ratio (Rh) and river profile have revealed the basin has dendritic pattern of drainage.

What is morphometric analysis?

Morphometrics refers to the quantitative analysis of form, which is a concept that encompasses both the size and shape of an organism or organ.

How do you interpret drainage density?

According to the equations, a basin with high drainage density, the contribution of surface runoff to stream discharge will be high, while that from baseflow will be low. Conversely, a stream in a low drainage density system will have a larger contribution from baseflow and a smaller contribution from overland flow.

What do you understand by the term basin morphometry?

• Morphometry is the science that deals with quantitative measurement of the Shape or Geometry of any natural forms • Basin morphometry denotes the measurement of three dimensional geometrical properties of the land surface of a fluvial erosion system.

What is drainage basin analysis?

Drainage basin analysis is an essential used to assess and manage both ground and surface water resource. Important characteristics of the drainage basin such as shape, length of tributaries, size, and slope are highly correlated with drainage basin hydrological process (Rastogi and Sharma 1976).

Why is morphometric analysis important?

Morphometry plays an important role in basin-level construction and flood control planning. The present study tries to unearth the morphological and hydrological characteristics from different morphometric parameters as well as changes of morphometric parameters in different morpho-climatic settings.

What is morphometric measurement?

Morphometrics (from Greek μορϕή “morphé”, meaning ‘shape’ or ‘form’, and μετρία “metría”, meaning ‘measurement’) refers to the quantitative analysis of form. Morphometrics analyzes lengths, widths, masses, angles, ratios and areas. Morphometric data is a measurement of size.

What is morphometric analysis PDF?

Morphometry is the measurement and mathematical analysis of the earth’s surface, shape, and dimension of the land forms. Morphometric analysis requires measurement of linear aspects, aerial aspect and slope of the drainage basin.

What is high value of drainage density?

The higher values of the drainage density indicate lower infiltration rates and higher surface flow velocity [19]. High drainage density is often related to high sediment yield transport trough river network, high flood peaks, steep hills, low suitability for agriculture.

What is drainage basin?

A drainage basin is an area of land where water from rain or snow melt drains downhill into a body of water such as a river, lake, wetland or ocean. The drainage basin includes both the streams and rivers that convey the water as well as the land surface from which water drains into those channels.

What is morphometric analysis of river?

Morphometric analysis of a river basin is essential to identify and assess seasonal changes in drainage basin characteristics, understand the groundwater potential, and address issues related to management of soil erosion due to flash floods during the high flows.

What best describes a drainage basin?

Describe a drainage basin. the land area that collects water for a given network of streams.

What is the importance of the morphotectonic study of drainage basin?

The morphotectonic study of the drainage basin is extensively utilized to analyze the landscape evolution in the study area along with impact of neotectonic activity in landscape evolution.

What is a drainage basin?

The aim of the book is to describe the drainage basin as a system unit resulting from the interaction between runoff and topography – a lengthy process of evolution that occurs according to well- defined laws.

What are the drainage characteristics of the Dharma watershed?

Fourth stream order basins from five sub-basins in the Dharma watershed were selected to understand the drainage characteristics. Results revealed that the watershed has an elongated shape, dendritic drainage pattern, gentle slope, low stream frequency, very low drainage density, and coarse drainage texture.

How does the drainage density affect the runoff pattern?

The drainage density signi cantly affects the runoff pattern in a basin as the surface runoffs are removed rapidly in a region having higher drainage density (Chorley 1969). Landscape evolution is a dynamic process controlled by several geomorphic parameters along with geology, tectonics and climatic condition of the area.