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What are the medial and lateral gutters of the knee?

What are the medial and lateral gutters of the knee?

The tibiofemoral joint, which is the main hinge joint of the knee, occurs where the femur meets the tibia, and includes an inner (medial) compartment and an outer (lateral) compartment.

What is medial gutter?

The medial gutter is a fold of synovium in the posteromedial aspect of the joint where loose bodies may hide. Ballottement of this space is essential to ensure that no potential sources of pain exist within this region. 4. Knee Arthroscopy: The Basics | Operative Techniques in Orthopaed…

What is lateral gutter?

The “lateral gutter drive-through,” visualized during diagnostic arthroscopy, is described as entering of the arthroscope into the posterolateral compartment through the interval between the popliteal tendon and the lateral femoral condyle.

What are the different knee compartments?

The knee is divided into three major compartments:

  • Medial compartment (the inside part of the knee)
  • Lateral compartment (the outside part of the knee)
  • Patellofemoral compartment (the front of the knee between the kneecap and thighbone)

Is the lateral gutter in the lateral compartment of the knee?

The “lateral gutter drive-through,” visualized during diagnostic arthroscopy, is described as entering of the arthroscope into the posterolateral compartment through the interval between the popliteal tendon and the lateral femoral condyle.

What is a plica?

A plica is a fold in the membrane that protects your knee joint. Most people have four folds in each knee. Sometimes the plica located in the middle of your knee becomes irritated. This is called plica syndrome and it’s characterized by pain, swelling and instability.

Where is the medial gutter of the ankle?

Anatomic region The anteromedial gutter or recess is formed superficially by the anteromedial joint capsule, laterally by the talar dome, body and neck, medially by the medial malleolus and inferiorly by the anterior tibiotalar fascicle of the deltoid ligament (anterior tibiotalar ligament) (Figure 7).

Where is the right Paracolic gutter?

The right (lateral) paracolic gutter runs from the superolateral aspect of the hepatic flexure of the colon, down the lateral aspect of the ascending colon, and around the caecum. It is continuous with the peritoneum as it descends into the pelvis over the pelvic brim.

What are the 3 compartments of the knee?

The knee can be divided into three compartments:

  • The medial compartment.
  • The lateral compartment.
  • The patello-femoral compartment.

What is the medial part of the knee?

The medial compartment of the knee includes everything within the inner half of the joint and is located where the tibia (shinbone) and femur (thigh bone) meet. The rounded end of the femur bone (medial femoral condyle) sits on a flattened area of the tibia bone called the medial tibial plateau.

What is medial femoral condyle?

There are two femoral condyles. The medial femoral condyle is located on the inside part of the knee whereas the lateral femoral condyle, which is bigger, is located on the outside part of the knee.

What is Chondroplasty of the medial femoral condyle?

A chondroplasty is an outpatient procedure used to repair a small area of damaged cartilage in the knee. The damaged tissue is removed, allowing healthy cartilage to grow in its place. The procedure is performed through small incisions on the sides of the knee with the aid of a small video camera called an arthroscope.