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What are the levels of neck dissection?

What are the levels of neck dissection?

The 1991 classification schema classified selective neck dissections into the following categories: supraomohyoid neck dissection (levels I, II, III), lateral neck dissection (levels II, III, IV), anterior compartment neck dissection (VI), and posterolateral neck dissection (levels II, III, IV, V).

What are the three types of neck dissection?

Neck dissection is a major surgery done to remove lymph nodes that contain cancer. It is done in the hospital….There are 3 main types of neck dissection surgery:

  • Radical neck dissection.
  • Modified radical neck dissection.
  • Selective neck dissection.

What is a Level 2 neck dissection?

Selective Neck Dissection for Oropharyngeal, Hypopharyngeal, and Laryngeal Cancer. The procedure of choice for these anatomic sites is SND (II-IV) (Figure 8). This refers to the removal of the upper jugular lymph nodes (level II), the middle jugular lymph nodes (level III), and the lower jugular lymph nodes (level IV).

How many levels of lymph nodes are in the neck?

The level system for describing the location of lymph nodes in the neck consists of Level I, submental and submandibular group; Level II, upper jugular group; Level III, middle jugular group; Level IV, lower jugular group; Level V, posterior triangle group; and Level VI, anterior compartment (Figure 1).

What is a level 5a lymph node?

The lymph nodes contained within level 5 of the neck include the supraclavicular nodes [4]. It is known that occipital and mastoid, lateral neck, scalp, nasal pharyngeal regions drain to level 5 nodes. Large level 5 nodes may contain metastases from nasopharyngeal and thyroid primary malignancies [4].

What is a Level 1b lymph node?

Level IB lymph nodes receive efferent lymphatic from the level IA, the lower nasal cavity, the hard and soft palate, the maxillary and mandibular alveolar ridges, the cheek, the upper and lower lips, and most of the anterior tongue [31]. Level IB lymph nodes do not receive direct drainage from nasopharynx.

What is a Level 1 neck dissection?

Submandibular and submental dissection (Level I) If perifacial lymph nodes do not require removal, the superior skin flap is raised to the inferior aspect of the submandibular gland. The fascia over the gland is incised, and the posterior facial vein is ligated and divided. Both are elevated off the gland.

What is Level 3 lymph node of the neck?

Level III nodes are internal jugular nodes located between the hyoid bone and cricoid cartilage landmarks. Contrast-enhanced CT shows a right enlarged level IV lymph node (white arrow) which mimics a vessel.

What is a Level 3 cervical lymph node?

Lymph node levels of the neck. Level I, submental (IA) and submandibular (IB); level II, upper internal jugular nodes; level III, middle jugular nodes; level IV, low jugular nodes; level V, posterior triangle nodes; level VI, central compartment; level VII, superior mediastinal nodes.

What is a level 7 lymph node?

Level VII lymph nodes are defined as lymph nodes in the anterior superior mediastinum and the tracheoesophageal grooves, extending from the suprasternal notch to the innominate artery [10].

What is a Level 5 lymph node?

What does Level 4 lymph nodes mean?

1—The level system is used for describing the location of lymph nodes in the neck: Level I, submental and submandibular group; Level II, upper jugular group; Level III, middle jugular group; Level IV, lower jugular group; Level V, posterior trian- gle group; Level VI, anterior compartment.