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What are the benefits of reflexology foot massage?

What are the benefits of reflexology foot massage?

Pain relief, nerve stimulation, blood flow, migraine relief, and so much more can be achieved through reflexology. And in the absence of abnormalities, reflexology may be as effective for promoting better health and preventing illness, as it may be for relieving the symptoms of stress, injury and improving your mood.

Is reflexology good for you?

Several studies indicate that reflexology may reduce pain and psychological symptoms, such as stress and anxiety, and enhance relaxation and sleep. Given that reflexology is also low risk, it can be a reasonable option if you’re seeking relaxation and stress relief.

What is the difference between foot massage and reflexology?

While a foot massage promotes healing in the feet, the purpose of foot reflexology is to promote wellness throughout the entire body. A Reflexologist uses thumb walking to target pressure-points to restore the flow of energy throughout the body.

Why does reflexology hurt so much?

Reflexology will often hurt when the congested reflex areas are treated and in no way resembles a foot massage. As the condition improves with several reflexology sessions, so will the soreness on the corresponding reflexes.

Why is foot reflexology painful?

Who should not get reflexology?

Patients with foot fractures, unhealed wounds, or active gout in the foot should avoid reflexology. Patients with osteoarthritis that impacts the foot or ankle, or those with vascular disease of the legs or feet, should consult with their primary provider prior to beginning reflexology on the feet.

What should I avoid after reflexology?

Avoid Caffeine Beverages such as coffee, teas, and sodas contain stimulants that can dehydrate your body and increase your heart rate. This can trigger or elevate symptoms of anxiety, potentially counteracting the benefits of your reflexology treatment.

Should I get reflexology or a massage?

Massage reduces muscle tension, is relaxing, and improves circulation. Reflexology is more internally based. Many clients say it feels like I am working on them from inside them. It is also really relaxing, improves circulation and helps you normalize the body.

What are the side effects of reflexology?

Side effects

  • circulatory problems of the feet.
  • inflammation or blood clots in the leg veins.
  • gout.
  • foot ulcers.
  • fungal conditions of the feet such as athlete’s foot.
  • thyroid problems.
  • epilepsy.
  • a low platelet count, which means you may bruise or bleed more easily.

Where is the bowel in reflexology?

There are also reflex areas on the sides and tops of the feet – not shown here. As you can see, the digestive area occupies a large section in the main body of the feet from the top of the arches right down to the heels. Shown here are stomach and liver, then below them the small and large intestines.