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What are the average incomes in India?

What are the average incomes in India?

As per recent studies in 2021, the Indian average salary is approximately ₹3,82,500 per year which is around ₹31,875 per month. That is the equivalent of USD 428.49 per month as per the exchange rates of July 2021.

What is income of middle class in India?

At the bottom of the income pyramid are households that earn less than Rs 100,000 a year. The next group earns between Rs 100,000 and Rs. 200,000 a year and is called the lower middle class. The third group of households earns between Rs 200,000 and Rs 500,000 a year and belong to the middle income class.

What is India’s average income 2020?

The per capita net national income (NNI) of India at current prices during 2020-21 is estimated to have attained a level of 128,829 Indian rupees as compared to 134,186 INR for the year 2019-20. The per capita income in real terms (at 2011-12 prices) during 2020-21 is estimated at Rs. 86,659 as compared to Rs.

What is the most common income in India?

The report pointed out that the average national income of the Indian adult population is Rs 204,200. While the bottom 50 percent earns Rs 53,610, the top 10 percent earns more than 20 times (Rs 1,166,520).

What is good salary India?

If we talk on average considering all the factors then it comes out to be around Rs 30,000 per month is a good salary with the average standard of living. Including all the expenses like transportation, groceries, personal expenses, and much more.

What is family income in India?

Living Wage Family in India increased to 19400 INR/Month in 2018 from 19200 INR/Month in 2017. source: WageIndicator Foundation.

Who is India’s top 1%?

In fact, in 2017-18, from the total approximate earning of Rs 1,784 crore, the top 1% earned about Rs 110 crore while the bottom 10% accounted for close to Rs 32.41 crore. This resulted in the top 1% earning more than thrice as much as the bottom 10%.

Who is a middle class in India?

India’s National Council for Applied Economic Research, which defines the middle class as those with household incomes between Rs 2 lakh and Rs 10 lakh per annum, estimated India’s middle class to be 153 million in 2010.