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What are the 7 steps to the forehand?

What are the 7 steps to the forehand?

  1. Step 1: The Grip.
  2. Step 2: The Ready Position & State.
  3. Step 3: The Preparation.
  4. Step 4: The Drop.
  5. Step 5: The Acceleration.
  6. Step 6: The Swing Path.
  7. Step 7: Contact & Extension.
  8. Step 8: The Follow-Through.

What are the 3 important steps to a perfect forehand in tennis?

For beginners, it is also one of the easier techniques to execute.

  1. Step 1: Preparation – Stand Ready and Keep Moving. Getting in proper position is the most important element of any forehand.
  2. Step 2: Backswing – a.k.a The Drop.
  3. Step 3: Swing and contact.
  4. Step 4: Follow through – Finish it right.

How do you hit a forehand correctly?

2 Part 2 of 4: Gripping Your Racquet

  1. Adjust your grip.
  2. Place your wrist against the handle.
  3. Close the racquet face when using the Eastern Forehand Grip.
  4. Use the Semi-Western Grip to hit with speed and spin.
  5. Create the most spin with the Western Forehand Grip.
  6. Don’t grip your racquet too tightly.

What is the best forehand grip in tennis?

The semi-western is the most common tennis forehand grip you’ll find in tennis today, and it is used by many of the top players. The benefit of this grip is that it allows for a great deal of wrist motion, whilst also allowing the player to hit through the ball.

How do I improve my tennis forehand?

The secret to a successful tennis forehand is to turn your hips and upper body as one unit when you’re preparing to hit the ball, rather than just moving your racquet back. By thinking ‘unit turn,’ you put yourself in a better position to hit the ball.

Do any pros use the Eastern grip?

Which Pros Use the Eastern Grip. The vast majority of pros use either the eastern forehand grip or the semi-western. That’s probably because they offer a good middle ground between the continental and full-western grips, allowing for a good balance of power and spin.