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What are the 5 strategies of impression management?

What are the 5 strategies of impression management?

Jones & Pittman offered five strategies of impression management: Self-Promotion, Ingratiation, Exemplification, Intimidation and Supplication. Use of a particular strategy depends on what attribution the first party is seeking from the second party.

What are the three steps of impression management?

Terms in this set (18)

  1. Facilitate social interaction.
  2. Gain material and social rewards.
  3. Self Construction.

What are the five 5 important factors to impression management?

Impression management is a conscious or subconscious process by which people attempted to influence the perspective of other people (i.e.) about a man, event or occasion. It is composed of five dimensions: Self-promotion, exemplification, ingratiation, defensive and deception.

What are some examples of impression management?

For example, a girl who only shares good things about her boyfriend to her parents may be trying to present him as a good catch so they can stay together. If a woman spends hours thinking about the right outfit to wear to a party, she may be trying to present herself as beautiful and stylish while looking for a date.

What are the seven impression management strategies?

Let’s see what impression management means and how it impacts our relationships….Here’s a list of seven common techniques that we use in everyday life.

  • Conformity:
  • Excuses:
  • Acclaim:
  • Flattery:
  • Self-promotion:
  • Favors:
  • Association:

What is impression management in HRM?

Impression management is defined as a process where someone or other tries to influence the decision, opinion or observation of others about something or someone in particular.

What are the key elements of impression management?

Five factors appear to determine the kinds of impressions people try to construct: the self-concept, desired and undesired identity images, role constraints, target’s values, and current social image.

What are the two components of impression management?

Impression moti- vation is conceptualized as a function of 3 factors: the goal-relevance of the impressions one creates, the value of desired outcomes, and the discrepancy between current and desired images. The 2nd component involves impression construction.

How do you use impression management at work?

People use impression management to reinforce current opinions or attempt to change them depending on their goals. Impression management uses the control of information to emphasize certain aspects of a situation while diverting attention from other details that could contradict the desired impression.

What is positive impression management?

According to Newman (2009), impression management is an “act presenting a favorable public image of oneself so that others will form positive judgments” (p. 184). Impression management is a fundamental and universal process that involves a number of influential factors. These factors are social, cultural and spiritual.

What is the 7 impression management strategies?

Here’s a list of seven common techniques that we use in everyday life.

  • Conformity: It’s the act of matching your behavior with the group or environmental norms and attitudes.
  • Excuses:
  • Acclaim:
  • Flattery:
  • Self-promotion:
  • Favors:
  • Association:

What are the steps in impression management?

How to use impression management

  1. Determine the values of your audience. The first step to getting people to think a certain way is to understand their current perspectives and values.
  2. Be subtle.
  3. Use techniques consistently.
  4. Measure your impact.