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What are the 5 functional feeding groups?

What are the 5 functional feeding groups?

The major functional feeding groups are: scrapers (grazers), which consume algae and associated material; shredders, which consume leaf litter or other CPOM, including wood; collectors (gatherers), which collect FPOM from the stream bottom; filterers, which collect FPOM from the water column using a variety of filters; …

What are the 3 feeding groups?

The food chain includes many different kinds of animals, all of which have specific foods they eat. Three different types of animals exist: herbivores, omnivores, and carnivores.

What functional feeding group are mayflies in?

Functional Feeding Groups: predators, collectors- gatherers, scrapers Most Spiny Crawler Mayflies live in streams and rivers, yet most are poor swimmers.

What feeding group are aquatic worms?

Aquatic worms ingest large amounts of the substratum, feeding on organic material (diatoms, algal, plant) and bacteria in silt and mud. A few species of Naidinae may be carnivorous, with Chaetogaster limnaei (Naidinae) being endoparasitic in the kidney of freshwater snails.

What are the 4 groups of macroinvertebrates?

BACKGROUND: The macroinvertebrates we will cover can be classified into four groups, called functional feeding groups, depending on their feeding habits. They are shredders, collectors, scrapers (or grazers), and predators.

What are the functional feeding groups of macroinvertebrates?

The functional feeding groups (FFG)—Filterers (CF), collector–gatherers (CG), predators (PR), scrapers (SC) and shredders (SH) —assigned to the families of aquatic macroinvertebrates analysed in the present study.

What are the different types of food chain?

There are two types of food chains: the grazing food chain, beginning with autotrophs, and the detrital food chain, beginning with dead organic matter (Smith & Smith 2009).

What is the 3rd trophic level called?

Secondary Consumer
Trophic Levels

Trophic Level Where It Gets Food
1st Trophic Level: Producer Makes its own food
2nd Trophic Level: Primary Consumer Consumes producers
3rd Trophic Level: Secondary Consumer Consumes primary consumers
4th Trophic Level: Tertiary Consumer Consumes secondary consumers

How do Coleoptera feed?

Most beetles eat plant parts, either leaves or seeds or fruit or wood. Many are predators on other small animals. Some eat fungus, and there are a bunch of species that eat dung. Sometimes the larvae eat different foods than the adults do.

What is a mayfly nymph?

Mayfly larvae, often referred to as “nymphs” or “naiads,” are mayflies that are in the immature aquatic stage of their life. They are commonly found in bodies of freshwater, but some can even survive in the slightly brackish waters of marine estuaries.

What do oligochaetes feed on?

Diet/Feeding Most oligochaetes can be classified as predators or detritivores; Predatory aquatic earthworms generally feed on small invertebrates such as tiny crustaceans and other worms.

What is Periphyton and example?

Definition of periphyton : organisms (such as some algae) that live attached to underwater surfaces.