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What are the 3 main groups of protists?

What are the 3 main groups of protists?

We can classify unicellular protists into three major groups:

  • Photosynthetic Protists. Example: Dinoflagellates, Diatoms, Euglenoids.
  • Consumer Protists. Example: Slime moulds or Myxomycetes.
  • Protozoan Protists. Example: Zooflagellate, Sarcodina, Sporozoa, Ciliata.

What are the main phyla of protists?

The kingdom Protista includes the protozoa, slime molds, and algae. Protozoa can be divided into four phyla based on their locomotion: Mastigophora, Sarcodina, Ciliophora, and Sporozoa.

How many phyla are in protist?

45 phyla
The kingdom Protista and its 45 phyla.

What phylum do protists belong to?

– Zooflagellates – flagella – Sarcodines – extensions of cytoplasm (pseudopodia) – Ciliates – cilia – Sporozoans – do not move

What are the 4 phyla of protozoans?

– Sarcodina – the ameba, e.g., Entamoeba – Mastigophora – the flagellates, e.g., Giardia, Leishmania – Ciliophora – the ciliates, e.g., Balantidium – Sporozoa – organisms whose adult stage is not motile e.g., Plasmodium, Cryptosporidium

What are some examples of animal like protists?

The protozoa are animal-like protists. The multicellular examples of algae are seaweeds while amoebas are the most familiar examples of protozoa.

  • g bacteria and other smaller protists. Some animal-like protists are ciliated (covered in hair-like.
  • Examples of protists include algae,amoebas,euglena,plasmodium,and slime molds.
  • What is the taxonomy of protists?

    Taxonomy: Kingdom Protista. They have distinct cell nuclei and membrane-bound organelles which allow for compartmentalization and dedication of specific areas of the cell for specific functions. Plays a very important role in the phylogeny of all eukaryotes. They serve as the stem group for the fungi, plants, and animals.