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What are side effects of Garcinia?

What are side effects of Garcinia?

Common Side effects of Garcinia include:

  • Nausea.
  • Upset stomach.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Headache.
  • Dizziness.
  • Dry mouth.

Does Garcinia affect your heart?

Garcinia might increase a brain chemical called serotonin. Pentazocine (Talwin) also increases serotonin. In theory, taking Garcinia along with pentazocine (Talwin) might increase serotonin too much. This could cause serious side effects including heart problems, shivering, and anxiety.

How long does it take for Garcinia to start working?

What’s more, most of them indicate that the supplement can cause a small amount of weight loss ( 3 , 6). On average, garcinia cambogia has been shown to cause weight loss of about 2 pounds (0.88 kg) more than a placebo, over a period of 2–12 weeks ( 3 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10, 11 , 12, 13 , 14, 15 ).

How does Garcinia work in the body?

Garcinia cambogia contains an organic acid called HCA, which may promote weight loss by suppressing appetite and enhancing fat oxidation.

How many times a day can you take Garcinia?

We recommend taking about 500 to 1,000 milligrams three times a day, once before each meal. Take it with water and be sure to take it at least an hour before you eat. This gives the HCA (Hydroxycitric Acid), which is the main ingredient of Garcinia Cambogia, enough time to act.

What is the benefit of taking Garcinia?

In the U.S., garcinia cambogia is most often found in tea or as a supplement. Claims made in support of garcinia cambogia’s potential benefits suggest that it can help weight loss, reduce appetite, lower cholesterol, improve rheumatism, and even relieve intestinal problems.

Does Garcinia cambogia cause weight loss?

In the process of causing weight loss, Garcinia may tamper with the brain’s inner workings and cause serious side effects. Some of them are triggered by the supplement. Others interact with pre-existing conditions to worsen them.

Is Garcinia cambogia hepatotoxic to the liver?

In vitro studies suggest that HCA may be toxic to the liver in high doses, but the rare instances of acute liver injury that occur with Garcinia cambogia suggest an idiosyncratic form of injury. The possibility of mislabeling or adulteration with hepatotoxic herbal products is always an issue in herbal related injury.

What is Garcinia cambogia used for?

Background 1 Garcinia cambogia is native to India and Southeast Asia. 2 The rind contains a chemical called hydroxycitric acid (HCA), which has been studied for its effect on appetite. 3 Garcinia cambogia has also been promoted for relief of joint pain and digestive symptoms and to improve athletic performance.

Does Garcinia cambogia have hydroxycitric acid?

The rind contains a chemical called hydroxycitric acid (HCA), which has been studied for its effect on appetite. Garcinia cambogia supplements with HCA are marketed for weight loss.