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What are possessive pronouns in German?

What are possessive pronouns in German?

To Each Their Own: Take Ownership of German Possessive Pronouns

  • mein (ich) — my/mine (I)
  • dein (du) — your/yours (you singular)
  • sein (er) — his (he)
  • ihr (sie) — her/hers (she)
  • sein (es) — its (it)
  • unser (wir) — our/ours (we)
  • euer (ihr) — your/yours (you plural)
  • ihr (sie) — their/theirs (they)

What are possessive articles in German?

Basic Forms

Pronoun Possessive Pronoun English Translation
ich mein mine
du dein yours
er sein his
sie ihr hers

What is the correct definite article for Mädchen?

What is the definite article in German? – Easy Learning Grammar German

Definite Article + Noun Meaning
Masculine der Mann the man
Feminine die Frau the woman
Neuter das Mädchen the girl

What are the 3 articles in German?

In German we have three main articles (gender of nouns): der (masculine), die (feminine) and. das (neuter)

What are German possessive adjectives?

Possessive adjectives are the words my, your, his, her, its, our and their. In German, these words share the same bases with possessive pronouns. These base-words (e.g. mein-, dein-, sein-, etc.) must have declensions in order to use them!

What are possessive pronouns examples?

A possessive pronoun is a pronoun that is used to express ownership or possession. For example, the word hers is a possessive pronoun in the sentence Charlotte noticed that Seth’s dog was bigger than hers….Singular possessive pronouns include:

  • mine.
  • yours.
  • hers.
  • his.
  • its.
  • theirs (sometimes—more on this later)

How do you show possession in German?

The genitive case is used to show possession. You use the genitive to show who something belongs to….The following words change in the same way as ein and kein:

  1. mein – my.
  2. dein – your (informal, singular)
  3. sein – his.
  4. ihr – her.
  5. unser – our.
  6. euer – your (informal, plural)
  7. Ihr – your (formal, singular and plural)
  8. ihr – their.

Which Nominativ possessive pronoun is used for plural wir?


Nominative Possessive Pronoun
We (us) wir unser-
You (informal plural) ihr euer- (shortened to eur- for “eure”)
They sie ihr-
You (formal – singular or plural) Sie Ihr-

Is Mädchen plural?

The declension of Mädchen as a table with all forms in singular (singular) and plural (plural) and in all four cases nominative (1st case), genitive (2nd case), dative (3rd case) and accusative (4th case)….Declension Mädchen.

Singular Plural
Gen. des Mädchens der Mädchen
Dat. dem Mädchen den Mädchen
Acc. das Mädchen die Mädchen

Which Nominativ possessive pronoun is used for plural WIR )?


Nominative Possessive Pronoun
We (us) wir unser-
You (informal plural) ihr euer- (shortened to eur- for “eure”)
They sie ihr-

How do I memorize German articles?

While there are some unexpected exceptions to German article rules, here are some rules you can use to cut down on the confusion:

  1. Words ending in -heit, -keit, -ung, or -schaft are always feminine.
  2. Words ending in -ling or -ismus are always masculine.
  3. Diminutive nouns ending in -chen or -lein are always neuter.

What is a genitive plural?

(dʒɛnɪtɪv ) singular noun [the N] In the grammar of some languages, the genitive, or the genitive case, is a noun case which is used mainly to show possession. In English grammar, a noun or name with ‘s added to it, for example ‘dog’s’ or ‘Anne’s,’ is sometimes called the genitive form.