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What are porotherm blocks?

What are porotherm blocks?

Porotherm clay bricks are horizontally or vertically perforated clay bricks. they are manufactured in variety of sizes (common size is 400x200x200 mm) from natural clay, coal ash, rice husk, and granite slurry. The term porotherm is used for this type of brick due to its desired thermal insulation characteristics.

What is the advantage of wire cut bricks?

Wire cut bricks are made using machineries in factory whereas table mould bricks are made by hand and hence wire cut bricks will have uniform properties, higher strength and regular surfaces compared to table mould bricks however little costlier than table mould bricks.

What is a brick disadvantage?

Very Less tensile strength. Rough surfaces of bricks may cause mold growth if not properly cleaned. Cleaning brick surfaces is a hard job. Color of low quality brick changes when exposed to sun for a long period of time.

Are clay blocks good?

They are cost effective, eco-friendly and Low energy consumption. Since these are insulated they keep the interiors cool in summer and warm in winter. Nine ordinary wire cut bricks form one clay hollow block which leads to savings in mortar application and construction time.

What are porotherm blocks made of?

Besides clay, Porotherm blocks are made up entirely of natural ingredients such as rice husk ash, sawdust, coal ash, etc. Hence, there is no release of harmful toxins into the atmosphere. They are also recyclable and save a considerable amount of energy from being wasted.

How much do porotherm blocks cost?

around 48.00 INR per piece
6. The advantage of overall price: Porotherm bricks cost around 48.00 INR per piece. Whereas, AAC block brick costs around 125 INR. Solid concrete bricks cost around 34.00 INR.

What is the difference between pressed and wire cut bricks?

Some extruded bricks are also referred to as wirecut bricks. All extruded bricks are cut by wires, but the term wirecut is generally applied to those bricks with the rough textured face that is created by the wire dragging across the clay. Pressed bricks are made individually in mould boxes.

What is the difference between chamber bricks and wire cut bricks?

Wire cut bricks are made using machinery in the factory whereas table mould bricks are made by hand and hence wire cut bricks will have uniform properties, higher strength and regular surfaces compared to table mould bricks however little costlier than table mould bricks.

What are the disadvantages of concrete blocks?

Disadvantages of Concrete Blocks:

  • The expense of constructing a residence out of concrete blocks is significantly higher.
  • Some of the blocks may need to be cut to reach critical systems.
  • Concrete block homes aren’t usually attractive from the outside.
  • Over time, concrete blocks may be subject to water seepage.

What are the advantages of blocks instead of bricks?

Block walls have higher density as compared to brick constructions and hence they offer more soundproofing. Their efficient acoustic insulation is a big help if your home is constantly surrounded by noise that could keep you from getting a sound sleep.

Are porotherm bricks strong?

Advantages of Porotherm Bricks. Some of the fundamental qualities that common to all the Porotherm products include: Lightweight (60% less weight than conventional walling material) Strong & durable.

What are clay blocks used for?

With their outstanding thermal insulating properties and their ability to store heat for long periods, clay blocks create a pleasant ambience and room climate. A house built of clay blocks is always comfortably warm. The monolithic clay block wall provides a unique combination of thermal insulation and heat storage.