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What are non printing ASCII characters?

What are non printing ASCII characters?

Non-printable characters are used to indicate certain formatting actions, such as:

  • White spaces (considered an invisible graphic)
  • Carriage returns.
  • Tabs.
  • Line breaks.
  • Page breaks.
  • Null characters.

How do I remove non printable characters in Excel VBA?

You can use Excel’s CLEAN function to remove all of them. However, there are a few more higher value non printing characters: 127, 129, 141, 143, 144, and 157. Excel does not have a built-in function to remove all of them in one shot. We have to use the SUBSTITUTE and CHAR function to remove them one after the other.

How do I remove non ASCII characters in Excel?

To remove ASCII characters, enter =CLEAN(Text). Use SUBSTITUTE function convert Unicode characters into ASCII character that the CLEAN function can remove.

What are the three non printing characters?

The most common non-printable characters in word processors are pilcrow, space, non-breaking space, tab character etc.

How many non printable ASCII characters are there?

33 non-printable
ASCII is a 7-bit code, meaning that 128 characters (27) are defined. The code consists of 33 non-printable and 95 printable characters and includes both letters, punctuation marks, numbers, and control characters.

How do I remove special characters in Excel VBA?


  1. Open an excel workbook.
  2. Press Alt+F11 to open VBA Editor.
  3. Insert a new module from Insert menu.
  4. Copy the above code and Paste in the code window.
  5. Goto Sheet1 and Enter some data in Range(“A2:A10”) with AlphaNumeric and Special Characters.
  6. Press F5 to remove Alpha and Special Characters from the data.

Is ASCII a character?

ASCII is a 7-bit character set containing 128 characters. It contains the numbers from 0-9, the upper and lower case English letters from A to Z, and some special characters. The character sets used in modern computers, in HTML, and on the Internet, are all based on ASCII.

Where can I find non ASCII characters?

Here is how to find the non-ASCII character. The recommended way to search for non-ASCII characters is to use the regexp [[:nonascii:]] . (If you have Emacs 20 or earlier, you can use the regexp [^\000-\177] in code. Interactively, you can use ` C-M-s [ ^ C-q 0 0 0 RET – C-q 1 7 7 RET ] ‘.)

What is CHR 13 in VBA?

Chr(13) or vbCr (if you want to use the built-in constant) is a Carriage Return character. Just so you know, many Windows programs use a combination of Chr(13) & Chr(10) or vbCrLf, which is a predefined character for that combination, for the “newline” character code sequence…

What are non-printing characters give an example?

Non-printing characters or formatting marks are characters for content designing in word processors, which are not displayed at printing. It is also possible to customize their display on the monitor. The most common non-printable characters in word processors are pilcrow, space, non-breaking space, tab character etc.