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What are examples of specialized stems?

What are examples of specialized stems?

Examples are the food-storage, reproductive corms of Gladiolus and Crocus. branches or trunks of other plants (epiphytes). These plants develop a fleshy stem internode with water storage parenchyma. Other orchids, in contrast, are terrestrial (grow in the soil).

What is the specialized stem in plants?

Examples of food-storing stems include such specialized forms as tubers, rhizomes, and corms and the woody stems of trees and shrubs. Water storage is developed to a high degree in the stems of cacti, and all green stems are capable of photosynthesis.

What are the 5 specialized stems?

Terms in this set (5)

  • bulb. short, flattened stem.
  • corm. spherical structure.
  • Rhizome. thick underground stem.
  • stolon. horizontal stem.
  • tuber. rhizome with a tip that is swollen.

What is the name of a specialized stem?

Specialized Stems

Corm A food storage structure at the end of a stem that grows underground. It is an enlarged or swollen stem base.
Cladophyll A leaflike branch that resembles a leaf. It is also called a cladode.
Stem The central axis that supports the leaves and connects them with the roots

What are the examples of specialized plant parts?

Specialized Plant parts Used in Propagation:

  • Corms:
  • Bulbs:
  • The Bulb:
  • True Tubers and Root Tubers.
  • Modifications of tap roots : In Carrot, Radish and Beet, tap root stores food and becomes fleshy.
  • Different types of Tubers.
  • Stolons: 1.
  • What is each type of stem specialized for?

    What is each type of stem specialized for? Woody stem and thick stem. The woody stem is specialized for protection and anchoring. A thick stem specializes in storing water.

    What are the 4 types of stems?

    Decumbent: stems that lie flat on the ground and turn upwards at the ends. Fruticose: stems that grow shrublike with woody like habit. Herbaceous: non woody, they die at the end of the growing season. Internode: an interval between two successive nodes.

    What are specialized roots stems and leaves?

    Seed plants have three main parts that serve specialized functions: roots, stems, and leaves. Roots help to anchor the plant in the ground as well as absorbing water and nutrients from the soil. Stems support the part of the plant that lies above ground and transport water and nutrients to all parts of the plant.

    What are two types specialized stems?

    What are the 3 types of stems?

    Underground stem, Aerial stem, and subaerial stem are three different types of Stem. A stem has many important functions it performs other than letting you climb a tree. Let us take an in-depth look at the stem of plants.

    What are the 2 types of plant stems?

    Types of Plant Stems There are two main types of stems: woody and herbaceous.

    What are the different kinds of stems in plants?

    Underground stem, Aerial stem, and subaerial stem are three different types of Stem. A stem has many important functions it performs other than letting you climb a tree….Based on their location with respect to the ground, there are three types of stems:

    • Underground stem.
    • Aerial stem.
    • Subaerial stem.